Tequila Rock / Miraflores

Tema en 'NIGHT CLUBS' iniciado por RT Gooch, 19 Ago 2006.

    tika taka


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    I guess it's lesson learned for me then.

    The girl, Gabriella, wouldn't do a single bit of negotiation until I bought her a drink, so I guess I should have just said "No gracias" the moment she said she wanted a drink.

    I kind of like the place though. The service from the bartender was really good, and even though she was at the table the minute Gabriella sat down, she walked away with no problem as soon as I said "No gracias" to buying the chica a drink drink.
    The security guys were also really cool, joking around a bit and asking what was up when I left alone.

    Kind of funny that, in a country full of questionable customer service, if you go to the "whore house" you get great service - except from the more or less frequent dishonest chicas of course.

    Though, I still can't understand why she was so hard-headed about the price. There was pretty much nothing going on and for the hour and a half that I hung around after talking to her she just sat at the bar doing nothing, which makes me think that business was really slow that night. Oh well, I guess there could be several reasons for her not needing the money bad enough to go with the low offer.

    I'll be back tomorrow night, and I'll be sure to leave a report here if I find anything good or bad.
    tika taka, 29 Nov 2010


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    A Jack Jericho y RT Gooch les gusta esto.

    tika taka


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    After 5 hours at Atlantic City I went to TR, Miraflores last night. I got there around 2.45AM and the place was pretty crowded with maybe 30 girls and 45-50 guys, it didn't look like there were too many gringos to push up the price though. As far as I could tell there were maybe two other gringos besides me, but some of the other guests could obviously be tourists as well.

    Entrada was 20 soles which may or may not have included a drink. On Sunday the doorman just handed me some drink tickets, but yesterday he didn't. I asked and he told me to wait while some other dude got me one drink ticket good for a beer or something similar.

    The quality of the girls in general was significantly lower than when I was there on Sunday night, but there was still a handful of really good looking girls. Talked to one really hot girl, Carla/Karla, and her not so hot friend whose name I can't remember. We talked for a bit, I asked Carla for her price, she wanted 120USD for one hour(300 soles special price for me), I said it was too much without counteroffering and she immideately left without bothering to negotiate. 2 minutes later she was leaving with some other dude, so I guess the supply/demand balance was in favor of the chicas that night.

    At 3.15AM the place really started emptying out and the girl/guy ratio went back down to around 1. I started talking to one Japanese/Peruvian girl, Maggie, and her friend, Aimar, who looked like a standard Limeña. Both of them were pretty cute and didn't look hardcore at all. Negotiated 200soles for toda la noche for each of them at a hotel, which was a price I was happy with.
    Had a drink and left for the hotel at 3.45AM.

    Now, normally I think most people would assume that toda la noche is somewhere between maybe 4 and 8 hours. But when you start at 4AM there are really 0nly two hours left of the night. It's obviously some sort of trick, but I can 0nly blame myself for not setting a firm time-frame due to not really having a clue what time it was when we agreed on toda la noche, so I just assumed that it would be like 4 hours or something. And you can't really argue against logic, so I didn't really feel ripped off, but rather a bit stupid for falling for a trick like that.
    Anyway, two hours of fucking them both and both of them sucking my dick for 400 soles total (not counting entrada, hotel, taxi) is fine with me.
    The Japanese girl seemed more pro than the other chick in the sense that she kind of took charge of what was going on, and the other chick just followed her lead. The other chick, Aimar, was cuter and had a nicer personality though.
    I'm guessing that Maggie and Aimar are some sort of cover names, since they kept calling each other Mía(Japanese) and Jenny(Limeña).
    All in all they didn't seem like hardened pros at all, so I'm guessing a more experienced monger could have his way with regards to price and service pretty easy.

    Would I repeat? Maybe with Aimar/Jenny, but I doubt it. No point in wasting time on chicas that feel like they need to pull some sort of trick instead of just doing good, old-fashioned, honest work.

    So all in all it was a decent experience. The place itself wasn't as fun as on Sunday because there were fewer hot chicks to look at, but I had an alright time none the less.
    tika taka, 1 Dic 2010


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    A gunslinger, lobo-viejo y Jack Jericho les gusta esto.

    tika taka


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    Went to TR, Miraflores last night around 2.30AM and it was pretty packed. There seemed to be fewer hot chicks than last time I went there, but they might just have been occupied and out of sight.

    I met a german fellow who was nice enough to give me some on-site TR-coaching about the girls, prices, negotiation and so on. He said pretty much what is advised here on the forum, but it's always nice to freshen up on what you've read when you're in the actual place.

    I talked to a really hot, 22 year-old flacita from Iquitos, my new german friend said he thought she would be good, and she definitely seemed nice and friendly, but that seems to be true for pretty much all the girls in TR. I trusted his intuition and went for toda la noche with her for 300 soles 10 for her taxi home. That might be a bit too much, but she wouldn't go for 250, and I don't really want to go into a lenghty negotiation to get her to drop the price to 280 since it kind of ruins the mood - probably not for her, but for me at least - so I just went with it. I realise that it makes me a complete gringo, but I'm fine with that.

    In my last post I bitched about girls not believing in good old-fashioned hard work instead of trying to cut corners and so on, but this time there was no such things. I made a mistake by not negotiating explicitly what I expected from her besides time, but that turned out to be no problem at all. She was down for CBJ, FS, and anal without any complaints.

    I had a really good time with her and we stayed in the hotel until 10AM even though we agreed on TLN being until 7AM.

    She told me her name 8 times I still can't remember it, and I'm not even that bad with names. But if I can't pronounce it I can't remember it, and I felt stupid asking for her name after being with her for more than 5 hours, so I'll just hope to run into her in TR some other time.

    All in all a very good night and morning, and if my new German amigo reads these boards: Thanks for the beer and the advice, both were much appreciated, and I forgot to thank you because I was too caught up in "Mi amor". Que maleducado, no? I'll buy the beers next time I see you.
    tika taka, 4 Dic 2010


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    tika taka


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    **Don't read the following unless you're a complete beginner**(but if you're experienced and want to correct any mistakes in the following, please read and comment! It would be much appreciated)

    So after 4 visits to TR I thought I'd write a bit about what I've learned. This is very basic stuff, but for a beginner with his pockets full of money in a club filled with hot, scantily-clad women grinding on your groin to salsa rhythms the basic stuff can easily be forgotten. None of what I'm going to write is original and you can find every single piece of info scattered around the forum, I'm just summing up some of the mistakes I made and elaborated a bit. It's also quite long, verbose, and boring, but please trust me. If you're new to this and have a bit too much money to spend but doesn't like to just throw it away you should read this. I didn't do enough homework before going to TR so I paid some money to learn it the hard way.

    1. Just walk way!(if you're going to read and follow this, please read it all carefully, especially the part in the end of part 1.)

    This seems to be the most important thing I learned in my short time in Lima.
    So you've found a hot chick, you've talked to her for 15 minutes without listening to what she was saying because you were thinking about all the nasty stuff you wanted to do to her in the hotel. You agree on price, time, and services, buy her a drink and when she's done with that you're about to leave. She asks you for 20 soles for the wardrobe or some bullshit. Walk away. It sounds easy but it really isn't, because in your mind you're already fucking her, and why should a measly 20 soles stop you from doing that? After all it's 0nly 7 bucks! But just say "No gracias" and walk away". In my meager experience, chances are that it's not going to be the last money she asks for, and personally I feel like a sucker if I just keep on forking over money in excess of what we agreed on. And feeling like a sucker kills the mood for me.
    The list of bullshit expenses she'll claim is probably longer than I can imagine, but, in general, if she tries to make you pay her expenses for weird stuff after you have agreed on a price just walk away. That includes urging you to tip the doorman in TR, overpaying for the taxi to the hotel or if she wants an unreasonable amount of money for her taxi home and so on. If she's not on your side from the get go it's time to walk away.

    You can walk away at absolutely any point(though you might have to pay anyway) - in the middle of the taxi ride to the hotel, in the hotel lobby, in the hotel room. It might cause some trouble, and you'll probably have to pay at least some sort of compensation for her time if you walk away really late in the process. I'm not sure when the exact cut-off for when you can walk away without paying is, but I'd assume that it would 0nly cause minor problems if you walk before you've taken off your clothes in the hotel room. Obviously if you fucked her for an hour and she comes up with some bullshit I would just pay the price we agreed on and then leave. This should be a rare occurrence, but the less experienced you are, the more frequent it will be.
    I had a girl agree on 200 soles for 2 hours(rest of the night until 6AM), and after one hour she said there was 0nly a half hour left, and that she wanted more money to suck my dick again. I just gave her her 200 soles and left. I could obviously have stayed for the remaining half hour and finished if I wanted to, since she at least agreed that we had half an hour left, but I didn't feel like wasting any more time. It's noteworthy that she had tried to make me pay for some bullshit earlier in the evening which I denied paying, and I should have walked away at that point and saved my 200 soles + taxi + room. Lesson learned!
    On the other end of the spectrum, the last girl I took out from TR grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs when the doormen started asking for tips, pulled me away from the taxistas outside TR, and spent a good while negotiating the taxi to the hotel and thus saved me a couple of soles. She asked for the cheapest room in the hotel and when I asked her if she wanted something to drink she said we could just share one bottle of water because she wasn't that thirsty.

    In general, I think that if you're not easily shamed and thus can handle a heated argument with a hooker in broad daylight, then you can walk away at pretty much any time. It's going to save you a lot of money and a lot of time if you decide to not accept their bullshit and walk away before you get anywhere with the girl.
    Though, I would worry about my well-being and safety before I start picking fights over 200 soles. If the girl feels like you cheated her it might get nasty which I would probably just avoid by paying.


    I don't have all that much experience walking away at various points of the process, so it'd be nice if a more experienced forum member could chime in on this one. I wouldn't want someone to follow my suggestion and put himself in some sort of danger. If someone contributes something about this specific subject I'd be happy to edit out any mistakes I made here.

    2. Refusing company in TR

    I'm not completely sure about all of part 2 and 3, since I need way more experience, but here goes.
    For starters, like everyone else says, just say "no gracias" to any girl walking up to you in the club. This should be rule number one really, but it's so easy to do unless you're a complete moron(or like old, fat women) because the 0nly girls that have ever approached me without me initiating the contact have been old, fat, and ugly. It also makes sense that the really hot girls and the best providers don't need to approach you since they get plenty of action from all the other guys in the club.
    So outright walk-ups equals an instant "no gracias". To be sure, personally I just reject anyone that initiates contact in any way, that includes girls who take a seat next to me in the bar, girls who walk up in front of me and start dancing and so on, but this is mainly because I'm unsure about the normal practice in TR. The girls obviously need to show that they're actually in the club and available for a chat, so hiding in a dark corner won't do them any good. So I guess I need to figure out what indicates a pushy girl and just a girl advertising her presence in general. There seems to be a somewhat fine line between the two, and I'm nowhere near experienced enough to figure it out.

    3. Picking the right girl.

    So now you've found a girl you like, you walked up to her and asked her to come sit with you somewhere, she asked for a drink which you denied, while explaining that you want to get to know her a little better before buying her a drink. You start negotiating and you cant come to terms with her, so you end up saying "No gracias". If she's really persistent and keeps coming back to you that's probably not a good sign. I have a feeling that the more persistent she is, the less demand she is in. And there must be a reason that she's in low demand. I'm also pretty sure that the more persistent she is, the more hardened she is. That's not neccesarily a bad thing, since experience can be good depending on what you're looking for, but I guess that if she's a hardened pro, she probably knows a few tricks and might not be hessitant to apply them to get more money out of you, leading to a bad experience. So I would stand by my initial rejection and just let it go. After all, there are plenty of girls in the club, so I wouldn't get too caught up in just one.
    I've met the same girl in TR three times now. The first time we spent a while negotiating but she wouldn't budge all that much, so we couldn't agree on a price. Even though we got nowhere with the negotiation she kept hanging around, and the other two nights she came up and said hello and tried to negotiate again. I still want to fuck her, but by now I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't because she's so persistent and really trying to do the hard-sell. She even argued that she was a very economic choice which gave me a good laugh.

    I also personally think you should stay away from bullshitters. That's just my opinion and some people might like being told how interesting they are, how great their stumbling Spanish is, how guapo they are, how well they dance, how much she wants to get to know them and so on. I don't, because it's obviously bullshit, so I just laugh and tell them that it's mentiras. After all I wouldn't buy anything from someone who's bullshitting that much, so why would I "buy" a girl that's bullshitting?
    If you like to play the game and like the illusion that the girl picked you over all the other guys because she feels some sort of connection with you, then by all means, go ahead and play the game. I think it fucks up the inherent power struggle if you just go along with it, and opens you up to being a potential target for the hustle.
    I suppose you can find a balance where you're still completely in charge of what's going on while playing the game. I can't, so I just call them out on their bullshit in a polite and humorous way, which have been working fine. After all, you don't need bullshit to have a nice time with a girl if you and her are both able to converse like normal people.

    As a final note on this: I can 0nly offer these few pointers on how to pick the right girl but this is in no way an exhausting method. I guess experience will make it easier, but I talked to some US tourist who'd been there and other similar places and he said that even after a bunch of years it wasn't exactly easy to find the perfect girl. Weeding out the bad ones gets easier considerably faster though - at least in my experience.

    4. Be a gentleman.

    In the language help-section of this forum I found a thread where someone asked for phrases to use when talking to the girls. I can't remember which one but if your Spanish is weak, go find it - it's very useful.
    I have no clue why a bunch of hot girls that have a ton of guys drooling over them would need confirmation that they are in fact pretty darn hot, but I guess women will be women. And after all, when you say "Que bonito trasero tienes!" you actually mean it, and I suppose any person, man or woman, likes sincere compliments.
    My first time in TR didn't go all that well, but after reading up on compliments and polite phrases it went much better, so just do it. The guys who wrote that you need to be a true gentleman when dealing with the chicas are 100% right.
    To be honest I'm still amazed of just how much it helped telling that one girl that I wanted to talk to her because she was the most beautiful girl in the club.

    5. Don't be an asshole.

    Almost enough said I guess. I've seen some guys in TR, both gringos and Peruanos, treat the girls like shit. That's just stupid and ruins it for everyone else. I know you got the money and can pick and choose between all those fine girls, but even the ugly one deserves a polite rejection. She'll take the hint and leave you alone, so there's no point in insulting her to make her go away. Pretty basic stuff I guess.

    6. Speak Spanish

    As a beginner I wouldn't go near that place if I couldn't get by in Spanish or had someone with me who speaks Spanish. I haven't talked to a single girl in there that spoke more than a few words of English, not even the one that claimed to study English(!), so you'll have a hard time if you don't speak at least passable Spanish. I'm sure a more experienced monger could navigate the place with no Spanish, but for a beginner I would suggest you go elsewhere.
    You'll have no problem finding a girl, agreeing on a price, and then leave with her, but from experience I know how difficult it is to resolve any disagreements if you don't speak Spanish and how easy disagreements or misunderstandings can happen if you can't communicate, so I'd rather just go somewhere where the terms of what's going to happen is clearer and better policed.
    I've seen some people suggest just writing stuff down like xxx soles, x horas and so on to avoid any confusion later, and that'll probably go a long way to negate your poor Spanish skills, but alas, that stuff is not for me.


    Allright, that's it. If you made it this far, be aware that this is 0nly meant as a sort of quick guide to avoiding some of the biggest mistakes a beginner can make in a place like TR. It can in no way replace all the amazing advice given in this and other forums about mongering in Peru.
    tika taka, 4 Dic 2010


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    A gunslinger y RT Gooch les gusta esto.

    RT Gooch



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    Outstanding post! Thanks for adding it. Every one of your points is right on the money.

    Here, I beg to differ. Whether you write it down or agree verbally, it is crucial that you hammer out time and price prior to leaving Tequila Rock.

    At one point in my mongering career, I was so sure that I had everything handled that I stopped negotiating price and time with the girls there, and amazingly, things started to go all to hell in the hotel.

    Even though my spanish is more than sufficient for this type of negotiation, I would still play a little dumb and write it down with her, just so I "am not confused."

    Also, I just make a right and walk ten steps away from the club when I leave, ignoring the taxi guys. If the girl asks, I would tell her that it is stupid to pay those guys double. I have never had a girl argue the point with me, and it lays the groundwork that I am not in the habit of giving away my money.

    Thanks again for posting.
    RT Gooch, 5 Dic 2010


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    tika taka


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    I completely agree that you need either a verbal or written agreement about the details. What I meant was that I don't like writing it down because it feels like we're signing a contract, so it was just a personal opinion.
    Also, I have a feeling that if a chica is going to renegotiate on your verbal agreement, she'll probably take a shot at the written agreement as well. You obviously have a better shot at having it your way or deny payment or whatever if you have it written down, so I can see that it has it advantages. I guess I should try it out though since it can't really hurt that much.

    I also realize that I forgot to add a couple of names in there. The pushy girl that kept coming back three different nights is called Gabriella, she's around 25 I think, has what looks like a fake tan/some make-up bullshit maybe, the hustler that renegged on time in the middle of things is called Brenda, she's 26, short with big tits, has a 6 year old kid. She looks kind of hot with her clothes on and less hot with her clothes off.
    tika taka, 5 Dic 2010


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    Hi all

    Want to get my experiance in here but bit tied for time will post later RT is 100% right get it written down what u agree look at my field reports.

    iceman1, 13 Dic 2010


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    Well said ! !

    Not to mention - TLN is not the "norm" in Lima ... As RT got reminded of, when these girls negociate - they are thinking an hour or so romp, NOT TLN !

    To put it in relative sense - Even in Angels City, Philippines - you negociate everything you want w/ the bargirls BEFORE you pay the barfine!
    dtaylor1972, 2 Ene 2011


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    A Juan Alimaña y RT Gooch les gusta esto.

    RT Gooch



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    RT here. I received this from a friend of mine who does not post on this message board. He had a not-too-great experience at Tequila Rock in March, and he asked me to share it with everyone.

    As a point of reference, it was this man's trip reports (on a different message board) from 2002 and 2003 that first got me interested in visiting Lima, so he has much experience with the city and country, and he posted some glowing reports in the past of not just TR, but the entire country.


    [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]I travel 2 sometimes 3 times a year, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. The list of countries would be much longer but I could not get Peru out of my blood. It was easily the best bang for your buck. If I was to make a list of my best nights, the list would be long before another country appeared.

    That was then and this is now. I can now add Peru to the TOP of my WORST nights. How can a place go from such a gem to the bottom of the list in such a short time? Simply put... I’m done with TR. You’re better off hitting the night clubs, it might be a little more expensive but with my experience the service is much better.

    My worst night Gal said she was from Colombia, tall, thin with nice breasts. Definitely in the top class. I almost fell off the bar stool when she asked 500 soles, but she told me she had 0nly been in Peru 1 week so maybe the price was ignorance. So we finally agreed to $120 American, much to my surprise BBBJ and photos.

    Once we arrived at the apartment she asked for her money, normally not a problem here (sorry, I'm still living in the past). She looked at me and said we agreed to 500 soles. My first thought was send her away, maybe settle for a cold shower. It took a few minutes to finally agree again. A little voice was screaming to send her away; I should have listened. Not 0nly did I not get a BBBJ I go NO ORAL SEX at all. She just kept saying, mi no gusta. Too late now, just get what I could. The sex was decent and when we finished it was time for photos. Once again she said that I did not understand, she would not allow photos.

    Well the final nail had been driven in TR. Sent her off.

    FYI, I think I know part of the problem. It’s the Peruvian economy. They have experienced between 7 and 9 percent growth in each of the last 5 or 6 years. All the semi/non pros are gone. That is where the best experience was and surely they helped keep the prices down. Other problem is the suits in Peru. Numerous times I have seen them talk with a gal for awhile, slip her 100 soles and move onto the next girl. So the top class girls can earn decent money and never leave the bar. Most of these guys also think it gives them the right to paw the girls. I've seen it many times, they just reach over and grab a handful. The girls act like they don’t like it, but they know the money is to follow.

    It hurts to say but I’m done with TR and I strongly suggest not wasting your time there. If you see her, stay away!!!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    RT Gooch, 12 Abr 2011


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    A question, have you ever seen or met a girl so called Gabriela. She is from Chiclayo the north of Peru, She has a huge pointed ass, big tits small waist she is sort of tall, curly blonde dyed hair. She wears contact lens, green. I haven't seen her lately. I know she likes going to hotels la Pacifico or Bilbao (formely called Queens).
    TheCat, 26 Abr 2011


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    Iceman here,

    Tika Taka, very wise words!! and spot on. RT, I am surprised a veteran like you got a such a raw deal but hey we all are in some way or other suckers for em. We all know how and what we should do but sometimes when these little actresses flutter their eye lids we are suckers.

    My few pointers re: TR:

    1) when you walk in go to the bar on your left or the one on the right as though you have been there before. Order a drink (i think that your ticket allows you a beer).

    2) Drink your beer whilst standing by the bar and casually look around don't stare at any woman just a glance as though you are seeing who is there. However, clock the woman or women you like and keep a mental note of them.

    3) depending on how busy it is sit down at a table. If no tables then stay at the bar. If you have friends just chat to them and have a laugh don't give the impression that you are here solely for the action.

    4) if you are approached by a chica that you don't like be civilized and speak to her but do not flirt or give any signals that you are interested in her. If she asks are you interested in her say you are sorry and you are not interested. Trust me they will get the message.

    5) if the girl you like or one comes over that you think that you don't mind going back to the hotel with, you have to make a decision how much would you want to pay her for a session. I would think how much for just one pop how much would I not mind spending even if she pissed off after the first pop. I think that it is the best plan to expect a one pop good bye then a toda la noche even if they have agreed that.

    6) when she is asking how much she wants and if it is excessive you should say that you are sure that she is worth every penny of it (yeah right), but that is too much for your budget and what you are used to paying and you are sorry. Then let her lower her price. Don't haggle as you are the guy with the cash why should you barter with her. If she wants your business let her decide if she wants to go with you or not. It is far better than you haggling her down and she thinks i will give him a shit service if he thinks i am 0nly worth x y z. This way you don't upset her and let her be in the driving seat so she thinks.

    7) RT Tip - agree the price and write it down especially if your spanish is non-existent or far from fluent. Keep the paper in your pocket so if there is a problem you can show her like I showed Ms Kasandra who wanted to double the fee once i did the business.

    8) If like Tika Taka says they ask for exit fee tell them I am sorry that was not agreed and say that you are not interested - like tika points out its not worth the hea ache as this is a classic sign of a headache waiting to happen.

    9) When you are at your hotel or on route to your hotel be a gentleman (i know you are paying for her time - but it is good to see if she would like a snack or drink) let her have a drink or eat a snack at your hotel etc before jumping on her as she is a human being and she might be hardened etc but i always found that even the hardened ones appreciate being respected!! We are not bad guys etc we just like to play so no need to act the baddy.

    10) If after the first pop she says that she is off or there are problems just ask her politely to leave. Trust me this is the best option then to kick off with her. If she tries to get aggressive don't get scared just say that i am going to call reception and the police. In Peru as everyone on this board knows that the hotel staff take their ID and the mention of police should rattle her. If you have followed the above and she is being aggressive give her the money she originally asked for and tell her to leave. If she doesn't, call reception don't argue with her or do anything silly.

    I hope that these would help anyone (I am no expert just my experience) not 0nly at TR as the principals are the same and I apologize to all the seasoned pros who this is second nature but i think that time to time we all get complacent and need a reminder!!!

    iceman1, 26 Abr 2011


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    A Jack Jericho, Juan Alimaña y RT Gooch les gusta esto.

    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    This is an excellent suggestion. My system to just laugh and laugh when they ask for ridiculously high amounts of money never seems to work, so this might be a better idea!
    RT Gooch, 26 Abr 2011


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    Sergio Armani


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    look guys this is just my humble tip and a simple one. Just get a table, preferable on the left side of this place...(This will work better if you have a pal with you)....ask for a pitcher or if you are really on a hurry or really horny and don`t want to wait much ask for a botle of wiskey...this is just my experience but after doing this youll get a bunch of kines roming around your table or basicly making a line for your attention...not to mention the ones that will just seat without been invited and beging conversation with any excuse....You will have the chance to interview on your own terms the girls you like...the other adventage that gives you this situation is that after you established a conversation with any of this girls if she doesn`t convince you can ask her to call other girls for you...you know the ones that are too far to see you or the ones that that didn`t bite the bait......I was there last night and saw crazy stuff..like a black girl leaving the place with a football team, seriously they were like 12 guys following the tall black girl and believe me she didn`t look like a tourist guide to me..then I saw 2 gay guys roming around like trying to pick some one (weird to say the least) ..beside that TR was just the same as always full of kines waiting for their next client and looking like they don`t care...Good old Tequila......Many of this girls have a long time working in TR and they know basic english and if is too hard to comunicate in my opinion they are just playing dumb
    Sergio Armani, 30 Abr 2011


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    hello from Peru :

    hello young people ... I've read everything you wrote before about TR.
    I Agree With you not even the same peruvians get more than you ...

    Well in this side of the world these are not the best places to get a Girl ...
    Even if you notice that it is not ...

    My Suggetion for you people is to look forward girls inside the SAUNAS here in Peru .

    They're the best. 'cause the other bars an discotecs have become a really nasty stuff for everyone ..

    Bye now ..
    DiegoBertie, 14 May 2011


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    tika taka


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    The first time I walked into TR I had no idea what it looked like. I came down the stairs trying to look like I knew what I was doing, so I looked left, looked right, and proceeded to walk straight onto the dance floor, stopping 0nly a couple of feet before the big mirror. The damn mirror coupled with my confusion made it look like the room continued farther in that direction. I guess that was a pretty good sign that I was an easy gringo mark. :D

    Nice post btw! :)
    tika taka, 18 May 2011


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    Elver Gon


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    :D…. But at least you didn’t go straight to the ladies room like I did my first time at this place long time ago… I walked down the stairs, the place looked kind of empty, and suddenly, I saw four good looking women at the bar on the left who were licking their lips while they looked at me from head to toe. That made me even more confused and I almost walked backwards but decided to make a right and kept on going really disorientated and ended up at the ladies room.

    Iceman1: excellent tips, I wish you posted them ten years ago though…:eek:
    Elver Gon, 19 May 2011


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    Me Gusta recibidos:
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    Hi everyone!!
    I'd like to know what is the best time to arrive to this place in order to find the best girls. I've heard this place is the favorite for the bad girls who arrive late after work (maybe 5:00 or 6:00). If I go there at 23:00 or 00:00, Will I find good material?? Thanks a lot...
    psichokiller, 5 Nov 2011


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    Sly One


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    Plan to arrive no earlier than 11.30 pm The place opens much earlier but the girls start arriving after 12.00 pm Except for the staff, 98% of the women in this disco are working girls. The disco does not control the girls who work there nor their prices; they are basically independent freelancers. The entrance fee is in the 20-30 soles range depending on the night.


    Walk in; Look and feel like you own the place. Ignore any invitation to be seated. Walk around and calmly survey the room. You are the hunter here so do not act like the hunted. You have the cash and that puts you in charge. Do not let the girls intimidate you no matter how aggressive they are or how large their tits are. Select a seat. Buy a drink; this will cost S/15-30 depending on what you are drinking. Ignore any chicas attentions. Outright reject any walk-ups by saying "No gracias." As a general rule, the aggressive chicas are the ones you want to most avoid as they are the hardened pros. You are, ideally, looking for out-of-town girls or students looking to supplement their income (and there are plenty of those in Lima).

    Look around. Identify primary and secondary targets. Walk over and introduce yourself. Make some small talk:

    Como te llamas? What is your name?

    Vienes aqui con fruecencia? Do you come here often?

    A que te dedicas? What is your day job?

    Make an offer making sure you specify your exact requirements. What you want exactly and how long do you want her for. Here is another useful phrase: "Toda la noche", which means you want her to stay the night.
    but make sure you specify the exact time after which she can leave.
    Clearly state that she will be shown the money beforehand but not paid until after service is rendered. If she demands money upfront that is usually a sign of a poor service provider or a hardened pro; drop her immediately and move on to your next target.

    Hint: Always negotiate in soles never in dollars.
    Never pay more than s/.350 + taxi Toda La Noche or s/. 200 + Taxi for 3 hours.
    0nly a fool would pay more......
    Remember these girls work in say a shop for 8 hours /day and 6 days/week for S/. 800 per month.
    Making their normal hourly rate is less than S/. 9 per hour.

    Seal the deal by buying her a drink. Ladies drinks are typically S/20-50 (No special prices for ladies drinks).

    Hint: There is no drink purchase requirement to take a girl out.

    Once you have arrived at a deal, tell her you want to leave and she should collect her stuff from the cloakroom. Tell her that you will wait for her at the bottom of the stairs. Leave for your hotel or apartment. Do not take the taxis outside the disco as they will charge you double the going price. Walk a little distance from the club, wait for a taxi to drive by and wave it down. It should cost no more than S/ 5 to your hotel/apartment if it is located in Miraflores.

    Sly One, 6 Nov 2011


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    Sergio Armani


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    guys has anyone visited the tekila in san isidro lately? ....I would like someone give me an honest opinion on how this tekila compares to the one in miraflores.
    Sergio Armani, 4 Jun 2012


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    Me Gusta recibidos:
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    I've never been there before BUT the comments about that place (Tekila san isidro) aren't so good enough as Tekila miraflores....
    Also Tekila san isidro has a thread here (empty). Check it out


    psichokiller, 6 Jun 2012


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