The Cat's Guide To Lima

Tema en 'MISCELLANEOUS' iniciado por thecatsmeow, 27 Feb 2008.




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    I will be contacting the Vatican today to nominate you for sainthood. These are great posts which I found very useful. You even write well! I am going to Lima tomorrow and will report back about some of my experiences. Thanks again.

    george_curious, 3 Ago 2008


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    I believe that the canonization process requires two miracles to be reported and demonstrated. I can offer up a long line of Peruvian girls who, after experiencing their first orgasm with me, declared: "esto es un milagro".

    Joking aside, thank you for the feedback and I am glad that you are getting something useful out of my posts.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 24 Ago 2008


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    I am just wrapping up a few days in Lima and will be posting my thoughts/experiences in the coming days. The first thing I want to talk about is the currency exchange situation.

    US Dollars
    The best place to exchange US dollars (USD) into Peruvian Nuevo Soles (PEN) these days is at the Majestic casino, which is co-located with the Marriott hotel. The Banco Credito de Peru (BCP) offers 2.75 PEN per USD, the street changers offer 2.82 (2.83 at best) while the casino will happily give you 2.85 Soles for every dollar you wish to exchange.

    This is where things get a little screwy. The way that Peruvians exchange Euros is to first convert them into USD and then from USD into PEN. In other words, two exchanges actually take place. Via this dual exchange mechanism, street changers will give you anywhere between 4.15-4.20 PEN per Euro (max). However the BCP will give you USD 1.5 for every Euro. If you take that USD 1.5 to the Majestic, the casino will give you 1.5 x 2.85 = 4.275 Soles. In other words, the best way to exchange Euros is to convert them into USD at the bank, then take those dollars to the casino and exchange them into soles, without stopping at the blackjack table en route.

    There is another peculiarity here: Euro banknotes have to be in pristine condition in order to be accepted. You can show up at the bank with the crappiest looking dollar bills; no problem. But a Euro banknote with the slightest blemish, mark or tear will be rejected out-of-hand. The bank will simply refuse to exchange them and no amount of logic is going to convince them otherwise.

    One final thought: Since the official Euro to USD exchange rate is hovering at about 1 Euro = 1.56 USD, Europeans would be better served to exchange their Euros into USD before they travel to Peru.

    The Cat

    PS All these exchange rates are actual, with no commissions levied.

    PPS Do not exchange money at the airport unless you enjoy getting ripped off. They quote bad rates AND charge commission.
    thecatsmeow, 24 Ago 2008


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    Armed with our free entrance passes, a friend and I visited Emmanuelle, one of the top 3 strip clubs in Lima, last Friday.

    The first thing that has to be said is that a trip to Emmanuelle does not come cheap compared to other options in Lima; though when compared to a night out at a high-end club in the USA, it is a bargain. The entrance fee is normally 60 soles; we paid nothing thanks to the passes (attached to a post on page 14 of this thread). Regular drinks cost a minimum of 40 soles each. I did not even ask about the cost of a girls drink since I had no intention of buying one. One guy had a bottle of Johnnie Walker on the table; I can 0nly imagine how much he dropped that night. Still, it came with benefits as a beauty had her legs wrapped around his body and was rubbing her pussy all over his...well you get the idea. Let's just say that the clubs in Lima are a whole lot more liberal than their US counterparts when it comes to customer/dancer interaction.

    The good news is that you do not have to buy the girls a drink for them to sit down, chat and even rub your crotch. One girl told me that the salida (exit charge) is 130 soles and that her rate is USD 120. I did not ask if that was an hour or all night but I suspect that it will buy you a couple of hours, at most. As you can see, these charges quickly add up; a night out with a few drinks and taking a girl home is going to cost north of USD 200.

    Now for the good news: You are dealing with the cream of the crop in terms of Lima P4P girls. Though the standards are not as high as in the United States (I saw 0nly one or two true stars) the place is littered with girls who rank 7-8.5 on my scale. My biggest complaint is regarding height; consistent with the rest of the Peruvian population, most of the girls were 1.60-1.65m tall. They look a whole lot taller in the club but that is because they all wear 4"-6" slut heels. Other than the height issue, the girls are top notch; beautiful, young and many of them are well-endowed in the tetas department.

    As is my custom when I visit these places, I did not take a girl out for the night. I did, however, get the telephone numbers of what I considered to be the top three girls in the club (Cassandra, Alicia and Tania).

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 24 Ago 2008


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    Not much to say other than I had a great time with this ex-model. She is in her mid-twenties now and her prime modeling days are behind her. It is a pity that I have to mask her eyes/face because they are unbelievable. Racier photos were out of the question but I can tell you she looks great whatever she is wearing.

    No requests for contact information as she would not appreciate me sharing it.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 24 Ago 2008


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    Nice baby, The Cat.

    LawrencedeArabia, 19 Sep 2008


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