The Cat's Guide To Lima

Tema en 'MISCELLANEOUS' iniciado por thecatsmeow, 27 Feb 2008.




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    Still, if I could go to 0nly one restaurant in Miraflores it would be (again by the narrowest of margins) Alfresco (Malecon Balta 790), where the tiradito lenguado alfresco ($7) apparently is made in heaven. It swims in the simplest of olive oil sauces, delicately flavored, and is tenderness defined. The causa mixta of fish and shrimp ($5) ranks with Gastón's, and the panko fried shrimp ($7) are the best I've ever eaten. Anywhere. The restaurant is in an old house, but the enclosed main dining room is built out onto the sidewalk and is as airy as any cevicheria. Lunch for two came to $62.50.

    There you have it: Seven restaurants for seven lunches during your week in Miraflores. For dinner or breakfast, try the other places listed under Details. I can vouch for all of them. Of dining in Miraflores, this must be said: It is just about impossible to have a bad meal there, and it is easy to have a great one.

    Jonathan Yardley, book critic of The Post, lives in Washington and Miraflores.
    thecatsmeow, 1 Mar 2008


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    Cat, LB:

    If you are into the R&V style experiences, you should really try the Natural Spa and the U'omo Spa. You may find their threads in the Spanish section, on the "Saunas:::Zona Top" sub-forum.

    You can thank or hate me later for the tip.

    Good luck,

    gunslinger, 4 Mar 2008


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    Thanks for the heads up and I may just try one or both of them on my next trip to Lima. I will have to reserve judgement on whether to praise or curse you until that time!

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 5 Mar 2008


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    One last piece of advice, both for the U'omo and Natural Spa. You should call to make a reservation the day before, or at least some four hours prior to the time you want to be "tuned up".

    Good luck,

    gunslinger, 6 Mar 2008


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    Most of the women I fuck in Lima are not street walkers or professional sex workers. Most of them are what I refer to as non-pros or semi-pros. By non-pros, I mean regular women who agree to meet me for a regular date. Their objectives may be to find a husband, start a serious relationship or just go out and have some fun with someone other than themselves picking up the tab. My objective is to get into their pants and I tell them as much before we meet so that there is no misunderstanding. I meet most of these girls online (more on this in a later post) and usually have the opportunity to chat with them, via IM or by phone, long before I ever meet them in person. Being as direct as I am about my intentions scares many of the non-pros away but that does not bother me. To me, rejection is part and parcel of the gig and if someone is going to be prudish, I prefer to find out before we meet, rather than have them waste my valuable time and money. If I were looking for a wife or serious girlfriend, I would approach things differently but that is not why I visit Lima. As a result of this tactic, the non-pros I meet are qualified, in the sense that they understand what is expected of them. In a sense, they are already semi-pros because they know that they are going to have to put out and will get something in exchange. It is very rare that I do not sleep with a non-pro within two dates. On the few occasions that it has happened, there has never been a third date. I just put it down to experience and move on.

    Semi-pros are a different animal altogether and easier to manage/bed. Like non-pros, these girls are store assistants, secretaries, students- regular girls, in other words- but with an important distinction: They have made the decision to use their body/looks to make some spare cash on the side. A store assistant in Lima earns as little as 400 soles/month; 600 soles is a decent non-skilled salary and schoolteachers make somewhere in the range of 900 soles/month. This gives you some perspective as to what 200-300 soles means to some of these people. It might equate two half a month's salary or more. College students, many of them from good families, rapidly learn that being a semi-pro is a rewarding avocation. Indeed, many of the semi-pros I have connected with are students whom I met online. However, semi-pros are to be found anywhere and everywhere including restaurants, discos, nightclubs, stores or just walking around the streets of Miraflores.

    When searching for non-pros and semi-pros, I target girls in the range of 19-22 years old; 25 is the top end of my target age range, though I dated a 33yo on my last trip (there were extenuating circumstances: she had glorious tits). Understand that I am in my late forties and an average looking guy. Women who would not give me the time of day in sex prison USA are legitimate targets in Lima. Unlike the US culture, where age is considered a liability, older guys are respected and looked up to in the Peruvian (and many other Latin) culture. Older men are considered mature, level headed and wise. Some of the girls actually consider it an honor to be chased by an older man. It is this insight alone that keeps me going back to Lima and proves to me that there must be a God. Think about it, if Lima did not exist it would have to be invented.

    The other important principle to keep in mind is that Peruvian men do not treat their women well. More than one Peruvian woman has told me that Peruvian men are "machistas" who cannot think beyond their own dick in bed. More than one Peruvian woman experienced her first orgasm with me. I mention this not because I am under any delusions about my sexual prowess. The point I am making is that, in general, Peruvian women get a raw deal. Consequently, a little bit of kindness and respect goes a very long way towards getting puntang in Lima. There is a flower vendor who works Parque Kennedy, close to Calle Pizza. Sometimes, I will stop by with a chica- on the way to somewhere- and "spontaneously" buy her a bunch of flowers. More often than not, she melts before my eyes. Total damage: 30 soles ($10). Payback: Priceless.

    So now you understand my philosophy towards mongering in Lima. Do I have to deal with rejection? Of course I do and if rejection is a problem for you then my approach is not for you. I have approached women on the streets of Lima and been completely ignored (though never laughed at or told to fuck off). Even the ones who are married or in serious relationships usually listen to what I have to say before politely explaining that they are not available. I digress but here is part of an actual conversation that took place on Avenida Larco- on my last visit- between me and a cutie I approached cold on the street, with the intention of picking her up:

    Me: So can I see you tomorrow?
    Her: Sorry, I cannot. I am travelling tomorrow.
    Me: Where are you going?
    Her: Miami, on vacation.
    Me: Can I come with you? I love Miami beach.
    Her: No, that would be my boyfriend. My boyfriend is the one coming with me.
    Me: Enjoy your vacation!

    I have also approached women, on the streets of Miraflores, and walked away with their telephone number and a commitment to meet for coffee or dinner. I have even picked up semi-pros on Calle Pizza and had them in my hotel room within two hours of meeting them. To me, it is a numbers game. It does not happen every time but it does happen often enough to make it worthwhile. If you interact with enough women, you will come across one or two that accept your way of thinking. And one or two is all you need.

    It is a fact that women who would barely acknowledge my existence in sex prison USA are legitimate targets in Lima. In Lima, I have dated bona fide 7s-8s and perhaps even the occasional 9. Where I have not had consistent success is at the very high end of the market, by which I mean model type girls. This is true for a couple of reasons. Firstly, model quality girls are few and far between in Lima (5'5" is a good height in Lima while girls that are 5'8" or taller are somewhat of a rarity). If you are looking for blonde-haired, blue-eyed, long-legged goddesses, do not waste your time going to Lima (go to Eastern Europe instead). Secondly, in Lima- as everywhere else- girls that are model or beauty-pageant quality have plenty of options; the laws of supply and demand dictate that it is going to take something more than a lecherous gringo with chutzpah to reel one of them in. I have not given up though!

    The Cat

    PS The photos are of Lorena, a 23 year old semi-pro student that exemplifies why I keep returning to Lima. Perhaps not quite model material but close enough and, physically, she has almost everything I am looking for in a woman. I am a leg man so you can imagine that I rate her as one of the top 5 girls I have met in Lima. Sorry, I cannot share contact details for this one so no PMs requesting them please.
    thecatsmeow, 7 Mar 2008


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    thecatsmeow, 7 Mar 2008


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    At the very top of the Lima mongering food chain sits Las Suite de Barranco (Av. República de Panamá 250, Barranco, Lima - home).

    However, this story begins in Tequila Rocks. About eighteen months ago I was checking out the Tequila Rocks talent when a stand-out blonde walked by. She was, perhaps, 5'6"-5'7" tall had a beautiful face and curves in all of the right places. We started chatting and she told me that her name is Lucero. Lucero was a definite 8 or 9 and one of the top 5 girls that I have met in all my trips to Lima.

    I asked Lucero whether she wanted to accompany me for the evening. She politiely declined, explaining that she was with friends and could not break away. I verified that she really was with a couple of other girls and they left alone shortly thereafter. However, before leaving Lucero gave me her telephone number and we agreed that I would call her the next day. When we spoke, she explained that she normally works in Suites de Barranco and was in TR's for pleasure, not work. Being a relative Lima newbie at the time, I had never heard of the Suites and was not aware of its reputation.

    I was again not able to see Lucero the day we spoke but kept her number and looked her up on my next trip, a few months later. By looking her up, I mean that I called her one evening. She told me that she was working and that I could visit her in the Suites. So I took the 5 minute cab ride from Miraflores to Barranco, located the Suites (easier said than done because the entrance is very understated and the taxi driver drove by it a couple of times) and walked into the club considered by many to be the very best in Lima.

    The quality of the talent was top class. It blows away Tequila Rocks and Eclipse. We are talking 8-10's and I have never seen a more attractive group of women assembled anywhere in Lima. To be fair, I have not visited some of the other top-end clubs such as Platinum, Emmanuelles or Club 69 but folks that know such things tell me that the Suites ranks up there as one of the top 3 clubs in Lima. I ordered a drink and chatted with Lucero for about half an hour. However, the idea of spending upwards of a couple of hundred dollars did not appeal to me so I did not take her to one of the on-site rooms (it is not called the Suites for nothing). I called Lucero a couple of other times after that but, for one reason or another, things never worked out and that was the end of that. The number she gave me was her personal mobile number and I could have easily set up a date with her outside the club. That would have probably have put me back $100-$120; pricey but affordable. I was just never motivated enough to do so and that should tell you something right there about the ready availability of talent in Lima.

    Much later, I learned that one of the security guys at the JW Marriott can arrange a liason, in the comfort of your own room, with girls from the Suites. The cost is USD 120 for a couple of hours. Imagine paying $120 for a girl that would cost you anywhere from $500-$1,500 in Las Vegas or NYC. You gotta love Lima! Apparently, the girls who work this angle are given a choice. They can split the take $80/$40 with the security guard or they can keep the entire $120 if they are prepared to sleep with him. Sounds like a great fringe benefit to me and I have to seriously consider a career change! I have no idea whether or not Lucero does this or whether she even still works at the Suiites.

    Sorry, I have no photos of Lucero but I assure you that, unless standards have dropped significantly, you are going to be hard pushed to find more beautiful talent assembled anywhere in Lima.

    And that is what I have to tell you about the Suites.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 7 Mar 2008


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    One of the ways to prepare for a trip to Lima, or anywhere else for that matter, is to make connections before you travel. The internet has made this more practical, thanks to the proliferation of social networking and dating websites. Essentially, the idea is to make contacts (with non-pros and semi-pros) before your trip, and even establish a rapport, thereby reducing the uncertainty on both sides.

    I have seen this approach used in different ways. For example, many (though by no means all) of the chicas who set up profiles on dating websites are looking for a serious relationship or even marriage. One of my friends uses these sites to make connections and takes the girls on regular dates once he is in country. This approach is useful for someone looking for more than just pungtang or seeking a longer term relationship.

    My approach is different. I make connections via the websites and then move the dialog to MSN Chat or to telephone communications. Once we are in real-time communication, I am direct without being vulgar or disrespectful. Sooner rather than later, though, I explain that I am not interested in a LTR, yet am looking for something more intimate than friendship. I also make it clear that I am prepared to compensate them for their time (Monetary incentives are powerful given Peruvian income levels). I tell them that this has the potential to be more than a one-time experience; which is true as I have repeated with many of the girls. Sometimes this picture unfolds in a single conversation and sometimes I paint it over time. Needless to say, the sensibilities of some of the girls are offended with this approach. Those connections tend to end somewhat abruptly. Other chicas, however, have been jerked around enough by men to appreciate the honesty. They buy into the whole deal for various reasons but not least of all becaue it comes across as genuine. Those who stick around after being exposed to this pitch are what I like to call qualified targets.

    Are girls that go along with this ruse prostitutes? Well, if the measurement yardstick is the US moral system then the answer is yes. However, these girls are Peruvian- not American- and, therefore, it is more appropriate to judge them through the lens of Peruvian/Latin cultural norms. From that perspective, the answer is no. Latin culture is more accomodating to this kind of arrangement and no one gets labeled a prostitute. For sure, I treat these girls as dates, not whores. The way I look at this, you pay one way or the other so you might as well call it what it is. I maintain that once you factor in the true costs (time, entertainment, meals, transportation, gifts) it is actually more costly to date non-pros than to score semi-pros or working girls.

    So here are the nuts and bolts. Firstly, it appears that just about everyone in Peru uses Microsoft Hotmail and is, therefore, accessible via MSN Chat. Therefore, the approach just outlined requires that you establish a Hotmail account if you do not already have one and that you download MSN Chat onto your PC if it is not already installed. Secondly, you need to create a profile on the website(s) you decide to work. A decent photo, included in the profile, goes a long way and Spanish is a prerequisite. Following is a partial list (0nly the sites I am aware of; there are bound to be others) of websites worthy of further investigation. Some of these sites are free and some of them are subscription services.

    Social Networking
    MySpace - FREE
    Badoo - FREE
    Netlog - FREE
    Faceparty > the Biggest Party on Earth™ - FREE
    hi5 - Who's in? - FREE - Online Personals for Latin Singles around the World. Find Single Latino Men and Latina Women for Dating, Friendship and Relationships and Chat - DO NOT KNOW
    Sonico - Amigos conectados - DO NOT KNOW

    Adult FriendFinder - The World’s Largest Online Adult Personals for Adult Dating, Swingers, Sexy Adult Photos, Amateur Member Videos, and Adult Chat - SUBSCRIPTION BASED
    Latin Dating - Latin Singles around the world! Free Dating Site - - FREE
    Latin Dating, Latin Singles, Latin Women & Latin Personals at - SUBSCRIPTION BASED
    SEXY o NO? - Ranking de fotos, conocer gente y hacer amigos - FREE

    The benefits of doing the homework, before you travel, are self-evident. However, there are also downsides to this approach which means that it is not suitable for everyone. These include:

    1. Language skills
    This approach to making connections requires that you are competent at communication in Spanish.

    2. Time
    It requires an investment of time, in order to work the sites and to dialog with the chicas after you have established the connection.

    3. Emotional Entanglement
    Your tread a fine line with this approach and it is important to guard against the target, or yourself, getting emotionally involved, despite your best intentions and all the safeguards that you put into place. This was the pitfall that I fell into at first but experience has enabled me to refine my approach over time.

    In conclusion, can this approach be made to work? The answer to that question is an emphatic yes. I met many of the girls whose photos appear on this thread using this recipe. Is this approach for everybody? Of course not; it takes time, patience, Spanish skills, discipline, maturity, the ability to deal with rejection, and bucketloads of chutzpah. Given all of this, it is- irrefutably- a whole lot easier to visit Tequila Rocks or Las Suites de Barranco (if your budget permits) and take your pick. No fuss, no mess. I persist with this approach because it consistently yields a GFE that is rarely achieved with out-and-out P4P women. Call me sentimental but there it is.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 8 Mar 2008


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    Cynthia is a young lady that I met online a little over a year ago. When I finally met her in person, in February 2007, she was an 18 year old college student with a beautiful face and wonderfully slim body. Cynthia is taller than the average Peruvian chica and, most importantly for me as I am leg man, she has wonderfully long and lithe legs. I took her to dinner and we spent 3 hours together one glorious evening.

    For those of you who follow my classification of chicas, Cynthia was the perfect semi-pro. She knew that we were going to have a nice dinner and a wonderful evening. She also knew what was expected of her at the end of it. My 0nly regret is that I connected with her 0nly once. What was I thinking?


    The Cat

    PS These photos were taken in my hotel room at the JW Marriott.
    thecatsmeow, 8 Mar 2008


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    Pictures 2-3: Check out that ass guys. Sheer perfection.
    Pictures 4-5: Getting ready to swallow some Cat juice.
    thecatsmeow, 8 Mar 2008


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. The key word in the above sentences is have. Non-Pros put out because they want to; semi-pros put out because it is part of the deal.

    I 0nly wish more guys would understand this basic concept -- it would make life much simpler.
    RT Gooch, 8 Mar 2008


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    Lima, Peru
    The French women have a phrase they use between themselves that translates to "I had to decide if I will pay the bill" when she gets taken out. This makes them all semi-pros!! Cool.

    TinTin, 8 Mar 2008


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    Exactly! You summarize the concept with a nice turn of phrase and with a conciseness which I envy. It takes me 3 times the words to say the same thing!

    My view of the world is that semi-pros have made a conscious decision to exchange sexual favors for money. It is implied, understood and part of an unwritten contract. The reason that they are not out-and-out hookers or pros is that:

    i) it is not a full-time, and
    ii) it is not their 0nly, or even their primary, source of income.

    They work at their own discretion and often it is just a way to top up their income so that they are able to afford a higher standard of living than would otherwise be possible.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 9 Mar 2008


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    I ran into Maria in an elevator, at the Marriott, about a year ago. It turns out that she was on her way out from a rendezvous. She never made it to the lobby as I accosted her and turned her right around. Those are the experiences you just never forget.

    Maria is an 19 year old student at one of the local universities and does this kind of thing to improve her overall lifestyle. The best way to describe her is as a little minx who is open to experimenting and will try just about anything within reason. I still stay in touch with Maria and spoke with her again, whilst in Lima, last month. It turns out that she is still studying and is still looking for opportunities to supplement her income. If anyone is in Lima- or will soon be visiting- and is interested in meeting Maria, please let me know. As always, I will be 0nly making the connection. I have no financial interest in the outcome and am not in the least bit interested in what happens between consenting adults.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 11 Mar 2008


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    I spent most of Saturday morning/afternoon with a 19 year old student who claims to be a virgin. I met her on the internet and what attracted me to her was that she is 5'10" tall and looked like top-flight model material in the photos she sent me. The photos must be a couple of years old because she has put on a few pounds. Though not fat, she is no longer the lithe beauty that I was expecting. Though still eminently doable, I was real disappointed and created a fictitious business dinner appointment to get rid of her in the early evening.

    The dinner appointment did take place but not with a business colleague. I took Paola (name changed to protect the innocent), a 21 year old hairdresser who looked just great in the photos she sent me, to the Rosa Nautica. She stayed with me all night and through 3:30pm the next day. What can I say about Paola? Well, she drinks like a fish (she got through 10 beers in the time she was with me and would have drunk at least 6 more had I not run out). She has a stockings fetish, which works out rather nicely for me. She wants to star in a porno movie. She has the face of an angel and is an absolute firecracker in bed; I still have the scratch marks on my legs to prove it. She does insist on protection for sex and blow jobs, which is sensible but somewhat disappointing. Anal is no problem at all and she took a huge dildo up her ass. Enjoy the photos from our time together.

    4 - The high heels
    9 - The sexy lingerie, a gift from The Cat
    10 - The chair pose
    12 - The smile
    17 - The goods

    There is 0nly one Lima.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 11 Mar 2008


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    19 - The legs
    26 - The look - I really wish you could see the eyes on this one
    39 - The money shot
    40 - The money shot, take 2
    41 - The change of lingerie into something more revealing
    thecatsmeow, 11 Mar 2008


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    Not much to report except that this 20yo student was an absolute joy to be with.

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 11 Mar 2008


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    I had a 24 hour stopover in Lima and my plan was to meet up with a sexy croupier- from the Sheraton hotel casino- that I had met on a previous trip. If 0nly I had stuck with that plan all would have been well but the best laid plans of mice and men... On my way to the airport, I made an “insurance” call- that turned out to be anything but- to a published Peruvian model and Miss Peru contestant with whom I had exchanged some e-mails and telephone calls.

    “When are you coming to town?” she asked me.

    “This evening” I replied.

    The next thing I know, she had made arrangements to come to the airport to collect me. Staying at a hotel was out of the question and she would not entertain anything other than me staying at her apartment with her and her family (mother and brother). My plans were in tatters as my croupier friend works nights and I did not have her number. I had planned to drive from the airport to the Sheraton to set up an appointment for the next day but clearly that would not work with a model in tow. Still, the thought of sleeping with a top-end professional model was enough to persuade me to go along with her offer.

    My plane was delayed and I did not get out of Customs at Lima airport until 2:00am. That did not dissuade my friend, however, as she and her mother were there to collect me. We took a taxi to her apartment and I was shown to my (her) room. She slept with her mother.

    The next morning I woke up and the situation felt surreal. I was in the apartment of someone I barely knew, sleeping in the bed of a beautiful woman but sleeping alone. I woke up real early, took a shower and got ready for the day. It was another 2 hours before the mother was up and another half an hour before she appeared.

    My model friend walked out of the bedroom dressed in sweats and with a gym bag in her hand. Over breakfast I asked her what her/our plans were for the day. She explained to me that she would be gone for two hours to the gym. If I understood the situation correctly, she expected me to wait another two hours for her, with her mother and brother as company. I realized that if I went along with this game there was a real possibility that I would not get laid on my Lima stopover. Worse still, God knows what scheme she had planned for me (the dreaded M word came to mind). “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. But who was deceiving who?

    I made a quick decision, packed my bags and left at the same time as she departed for the gym. There was fierce resistance, of course, but I bailed out on the pretext that I needed a phone and internet connection to get some work done. What I really needed was to get out of this carefully laid trap leading God knows where. Needless to say, neither the model nor her Mother were too pleased with me.

    Gentlemen – to be forewarned is to be forearmed. I would like someone to take it further than me to see where it leads. I just did not have the time to invest otherwise I would have gone along with the scheme out of sheer curiosity.

    The Cat

    PS Yes, that is really her and no, I never did get to bang her!
    thecatsmeow, 11 Mar 2008


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    The municipality of Miraflores, in its infinite wisdom, shut down Tequila Rocks last Friday, ostensibly due to a violation of normas or local by-laws/norms/standards. This probably came about because of vociferous complaints from local residents regarding the shenanigans that went on every night. The word on the street is that Tequila's could be out of service for several weeks. Furthermore, the word is not the 0nly thing to be found on the street as a bevy of pros and semi pros are now earnestly looking for alternative employment. For guys who are lucky enough to be in-country right now, this represents a fast-closing window of opportunity to pick up some bargains.

    Deal or No Deal anyone?

    The Cat
    thecatsmeow, 11 Mar 2008


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    Dear Moderators:

    It's been a while since the Cat posted his last 10+ pictures, but their approval is still pending.

    It is clear to me that you have been overwhelmed by the vast quantity of material posted by him, so I volunteer (if the Site Admins approve) to give a hand at reviewing these pics prior to their approval.


    gunslinger, 24 Abr 2008


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