Relax Y Vida # 3

Tema en 'SAUNAS AND MASSAGES' iniciado por seabreeze0003, 23 May 2008.



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    Obviously my first visit to Relax y Vida (#2) set the hook because today I found myself tracking down the one described as #3. The location, obtained from other threads here, is Ave. Santa Catalina 021 (4to Piso Alt. Cdra. Av. 9 Canada), and the phone number is 472-4361. My advice is to call or have your taxi driver call to get directions, because the driver I flagged down said the address "no existe". I flagged him down a couple of blocks from parque Kennedy, asked him if he knew where Santa Catalina was, negotiated 6 soles, and then while on the way discovered that 1) the street number (021), according to him, didn't exist, and 2) neither he nor I had a cell phone.

    This was around 1pm so I wasn't nervous about barging about in the vicinity of Miraflores, San Isidro, and La Victoria (which is where this particular place is). So when he got to a corner that he said corresponded to 4to Piso Alt Cdra Av 9 Canada, I got out, paid him, and determined to ask around until I found it. In 0nly a minute or two of walking, I discovered street numbers of 085, 081, etc. The "no existe" part from my taxi driver was regarding the leading zero, so I immediately felt better. Obviously some things existe that taxi drivers think no existe.

    Pre-armed with information that it was on the 4th floor (these threads are extremely helpful, guys), I bounded (okay, dragged myself) up the stairs to the 4th floor and contemplated a gate that belonged on a jail cell. By now, though, being an old hand and all of a few days, I am not balked by silly little things like jail cell doors. There being no buzzer, but the inner door was ajar, I rapped on the cell door and queried "hola!", "hello", "hola!" I could not detect any sounds or movement from inside and began to fear the place was closed. While standing there like a confused idiot, down the stairs comes who turns out to be the mama-san, who calmly reaches to the inside of the gate and operates the lever, something even third grade children would have known to do but somehow escaped me.

    Mama-san asked me if I had been there before and this time I could say I had at least been to "a" Relax y Vida without lying. She kept asking me something about a phone until I finally figured out she was offering to lock my valuables (cell phone, etc) in a little locker at the front desk. I didn't have a phone and don't carry a wallet when out of the country, so I didn't need it. In fact, I make it a practice to 0nly carry a little more money than I plan to spend when I'm on the prowl. I haven't been robbed yet but you never know and I believe in limiting my losses. Plus it really helps you have a clearer mind and less anxiety when all you stand to lose is what you were willing to spend anyway.

    One other benefit of the above is when the little guy grabs the wheel, he doesn't have the ability to blow your lifetime savings, which he has been known to do to some. I'm not saying I don't carry a little extra, but that is the key: it is 0nly a little. That way I'm covered for emergencies or if a little extra is really needed.

    With one RyV experience under my belt, I'm more prepared this time. I chose this particular location because last time I missed out on the sauna part and that was something I really wanted. I of course didn't see all the rooms at this location, but others have said they all have an attached sauna. Mine did, and the experience was what I had hoped for. But I'm jumping ahead a little...

    First, the mama-san sat me down in an empty waiting room, got me a drink, chatted a minute, and then left. I could hear a little noise enough to know there was at least one girl around somewhere, but apparently all were busy. I should have called ahead, not 0nly for directions but also to ensure my visit was expected, but sometimes I'm rather spontaneous. In a few minutes, a cute little thing in a mini-skirt and boots came in, kissed me, went to the bar, offered me another drink, then came and sat beside me. I had cleverly chosen the 0nly double seat in the room--for this very reason! Now I was the experienced hobbyist with a girl sitting with him. Hah, how quickly I have moved up in the ranks!

    Her name was Elizabeth, and she was cuter than a bug in a rug. She said she was 21, we chatted some, and gradually the room filled with girls. Each one came and kissed me, then sat, and in the end I was sitting with 5 beautiful girls and the mama-san, the 0nly male there. Life is good. The others were Maria-Fernandez (I think), Emily, Kelli, and Jose (I guess it's not just a boy's name). My spanish is good enough to catch about one word in ten, and I'm clueless as to the context when I do catch the words. Through body language and the few words though I can tell they are talking about previous sessions and laughing about pensises, sounds made when coming, and so forth. Man I wish I could really speak spanish.

    After a while one girl looked at me and said "loco, eh?", gesturing to the others and laughing. I said "yo tambien", which made them all laugh. Having learned, I asked for an hour with Elizabeth, massage & sauna, and then there is some explanation that sounds like it's not possible. I'm really confused and after a little begin to believe that Elizabeth is about to leave, or has a scheduled client or something. So I'm debating which other girl I want. They all look attractive, but something about Elizabeth clicked with me the instant I saw her and so I'm a little bummed that I'll have to choose someone else.

    All is well, however. Elizabeth leaves for a little, then returns to lead me by the hand to our room. I think the earlier problem was probably all the rooms were occupied or being cleaned or something like that. Elizabeth is very petite. I'm not a good guesser as to height, but she is quite short and very slender and well formed. Everything is in the right proportions and in the right place, she has curves everywhere and is soft and hard at the same time. How do they do that? The massage begins with her naked body rubbing on mine, then a thorough massage, then kisses, then cbj (a few little teasing flicks of tongue before the cover though which is sensational, both on the twins and the little guy). Then a between-the-legs job. Until Relax Y Vida I had never had this, but if full service is off the table, this is at least getting close.

    Deep, thorough kissing seems to be standard at RyV, and this is no exception. I've said previously this is one of my major turn-ons, and once we moved to the steam room her abilities here while working the hand job caused the impossible: I came in her hand! You are probably saying what's the big deal--well maybe for most guys it's not. But until now I've never come from either a bj or by hand. I feel like she took my virginity. (Which was happily given). Elizabeth is not just another notch in the bedstead; she occupies an honored place in my heart.

    What else can I say? Steam, eucalyptus leaves, hot tub, shampoo, facial, shower. These are all great in an of themselves but when an attentive, beautiful young woman is doing them all to you with loving caresses and kisses, you will melt into a little puddle of goo. Happy goo, and the 0nly sad part is having to leave.

    Mundane money details: I tipped Elizabeth S/50 in the room and paid S/80 on the way out at the desk. Again, I already knew the prices from research here. At an exchange rate of 2.7 soles to dollars, that is somewhere around $48.70. I have found it useful to think in terms of $3.70 per 10 soles or $37.00 for 100 soles. That isn't exact but it's close. Is an hour of the above treatment worth $50.00? I think so, and my 0nly additional wish is for full service to be on the table. I for one would gladly pay S/120 to S/180 as a tip if this was the case.

    I can guess that the establishment's rules are because pimping is illegal and they could get into trouble if a link was established between their employees and prostitution (which must be regarded as 0nly full service activity by the Peru authorities). But other banos turcos do it with no problems so I can't say I really understand. I do wish though that every working girl would first be educated by a Relax Y Vida mama-san. That GFE to the max treatment is so incredible that even without full service it stands out as value beyond the norm. Imagine if a full service place ratcheted up the attitudes to the same level, or RyV began offering full service. I too would want to buy the house next door, or move right in.
    seabreeze0003, 23 May 2008


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    [FONT=&quot]Better late than never, I figured I could chime in on the R&V no full-service policy. Info should be credible as it came straight from an R&V girl who I ended up seeing outside of the spa (I frequented R&V over the period of about year and struck up a friendship with one of the girls who, during one of our sessions, confided in me her real name and email address and asked that I contact her as she would soon be resigning from the spa). Anyway, to make a short story shorter, we dated and she gave me all the R&V gossip. According to her, sex is prohibited so that R&V can maintain their exclusivity and attract better looking girls. Apparently in the mind of the peruvian female, giving hand jobs and blowjobs means that they are legitimate masseuses and not hookers. If they were expected to have sex, then they would be prostitutes and would not be able to attract the same quality of employee. True? Who the hell knows but then again, who can understand female logic?[/FONT]
    the visitor, 1 Jun 2009


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    Well at least it's an explanation, though one I don't agree with. If they provided full service in addition to the top quality, I would never be interested in going anywhere else. They would have more business than they could handle, I suspect.
    seabreeze0003, 5 Jun 2009


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    RT Gooch



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    RT here.

    One of the biggest problems, it seems, is actually getting to RyV #3. The address is what gets people (especially taxi drivers) confused, as the number starts with a '0' and that is highly irregular in the street numbering conventions of Lima.

    I called for an appointment, and Miluska told me that Av. Santa Catalina met Av. Canada at cdra. 9, so I just had the taxi drop me there. it was a short block and a half walk to #021, and -- if you followed the numbers on the other buildings -- it was right where it was supposed to be.

    To add to the confusion, Av. Santa Catalina meets Av. Canada at cdra. 8, according to the street signs, but the addresses on Canada are at the high 800s at that street corner, so it really should be cdra 9. I guess they just didn't pay much attention when they were laying out La Victoria.

    Here's a picture of the street sign and the building where you can find RyV3. The entrance is to the left of the "Locutorio" sign.

    Also, the price is now 90 soles plus tip. A bargain!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    RT Gooch, 21 Mar 2010


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    How far is this in relation to Javier Prado in San Isidro>? Ill be around the 3rd block
    Benga6000, 18 Jun 2010


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    3rd block of javier prado?

    kinda far, you can take a "todo javier prado" east till "la clinica ricardo palma"

    walk north on the foot bridge and go up Avenida Nicolas Arriola to Canada
    (that's about block 14 of Canada, there is a MEtro supermarket there, you can't miss it) then, it's simple to take a "todo canada" bus east and get off at block 8

    (it's a bit of a roundabout way but I figured since there's more big landmarks this way it's harder to get lost since you can just ask)

    hope this helps
    xyconyx, 19 Jun 2010


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    RT Gooch



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    RT here. I had the chance to stop by #3 a couple of weeks ago, on a Thursday afternoon. There were four girls in the 'social area' when we got there... one looked VERY caught up with a customer, the other three paid attention to the two of us.

    The 'ocupada' one was borderline gorgeous: tall, thin, and a pretty face. The other three were standard-issue RyV girls. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them, they just paled next to the beautiful girl.

    I wound up selecting Jimena, a 20-ish dark-skinned girl. I was given the VIP/Party room. We went through all of the (absolutely fabulous) regular stuff... she undressed me, laid me down, massaged me, whispered sweet nothings in my ears while she writhed on top of me. All great, as always.

    She then got out the massage oil and attempted to give a me a nice hand job. I stopped her, telling her that could happen later. I wanted to get her in the sauna because I was getting a vibe from her that 'rules were made to be broken'.

    We started messing around in the sauna (I had her bring a condom, so nothing was a real surprise). I had her crack open the condom, but although Jimena would have nothing to do with full service, she got down on her knees in front of me, said, "I like doing this," and proceeded to apply an excellent blowjob, right where it needed to be applied. I don't know if she liked doing it, but she certainly was good at it.

    After I was appropriately drained, we got back to RyV standard, and I was exfoliated, washed, showered, dried and dressed. Another successful hour and 15 minutes of my life!

    90 sols to the house and US$20 to Jimena... a bargain at twice the price.

    You would think that time and the expansion to three locations would have diluted the service levels at the RyV family of Banos Turcos. Well, you would be wrong.
    RT Gooch, 28 Jun 2010


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    Hi there all,
    This is my first post and I am not much of a writer however I felt obligated to contribute as I have learned so much from all of your posts.

    I first visited R & V #3 a few weeks back and found it on Ave. Santa Catalina (thank you RT for the photos. they helped!) and walked up the stairs. The doorman let me know the sauna was on the fourth floor. I was greeted by the mamasan who was cordial as could be and sat me down with a drink. I was trying to sit in a spot with a double seat as a previous poster had written but there were none available as it was pretty busy this afternoon. There were several beautiful ladies, one who I particularly liked names Nicole, an asian girl and another named Daniella. Nicole was busy so I chose Daniella who was slightly heavier than I wanted but she was cute as a button. She escorted me into the room which was fantastic. The sauna, jacuzzi, and massage table were all together. It was tremendous. She took off my clothes and gave me a huge open mouthed kiss immediately. She had me lay down and game me a fantastic massage covering my whole body. Once she asked me to flip over we kissed for a while which turned into a 69 thereafter. She gave a fantastic BJ. My time was so short though as I had other obligations I needed to leave at 0nly half my time. I gave her my full tip though as she was great and also a great conversationalist even with my limited Spanish. She knew a little English.

    A week later:

    I was determined to go back and visit again and have the whole hour paid for. I enter once again on a Monday early, and am greeted by a nice girl who I chat with but explains that she has a reservation and she is the 0nly one there, so I can wait for her or come back later. I had no patience to wait and hour and wanted to watch the World Cup game so I told her I would come back later. 4 hours later I was back and saw Daniella from my previous trip and Nicole who I had originally wanted to be with. They both sat down with me and I knew I wanted to be with Nicole however I felt bad because I told Daniella I wanted to see her again on another visit. I know its all a trick and they don't give a shit but I decided to have them call heads/tails on a coin and Nicole won. I think Daniella was pissed at me though... Anyways, we went ahead into the room and Nicole was so smoking hot it was unbelievable. She looks a bit like Hoops from VH1 but cuter. She stands @ 5'6 and is sweet as sugar. Not as passionate as Daniella was with the kissing but still great. Her massage was great, especially on the legs. She had me flip as she grinded me while giving a HJ. She turned around and I touched her more which ended in a 69 BJ followed by a nice time in the jacuzzi just hanging out kissing and touching and talking(as best we could as her English is non existent). I didn't feel like a sauna so the hour ended after that. I had 50 soles in my pocket and I gave her that. I intended on giving her more but as I walked out she didn't come back out again. I'm not sure if I am supposed to give money in the lobby in retrospect but my wallet was in the locker. Anyways, all in all, both girls I give a A. Nicole just happened to be a dream girl.
    Thanks all for the great posts. I would never have had this great day if it wasn't for them.

    p.s. Door charge is 90 soles as of 7/5/10
    Benga6000, 11 Jul 2010


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    tika taka


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    Went there at 2PM today and it was really easy to find thanks to RT's pictures and description. I just asked the taxista to take me to Av. Canada cuadra 8, and he dropped me off in the esquina really close to R&V, so there was no need to call for directions or anything like that.

    I walked up to the white gate and told the dude watching the gate that I was going to the 4th floor for a massage and he seemed to be cool with that. The host, Mery or Meri I think who was really nice and smiling throughout, asked me if I had been there before, to which I responded, to avoid looking like a sucker, that I had visited the one closer to Miraflores a couple of years ago. I don't think I really needed to though since everything seems to be on the up-and-up.

    A group of three local guys had just finished up when I came in, and as far as I could tell there were three girls in the sauna. All of them looked nice without being super hot. One skinny girl with small boobs and two "meatier" girls with nice racks.

    I went for an hour with Jessica who was big-ish without being fat, really sweet, and easy to talk to. The massage was kind of boring without being bad, the handjob got me off before I could ask for boca, and by the time I had had the depilacion in the steam room and a bit of time chatting about this and that in the bath tub the time was up, so I didn't get to round two.
    I'm not sure if I'll return for the sex (if manual and bucal counts as sex) alone, but the general treatment throughout the hour was really great, and for 90 soles + tip it seems to be worthwhile, so I guess I'll be back there one of these days. I ended up tipping 60 soles since I just gave the host 150 soles and didn't ask for the change. I'm sorry if I somehow ruined the price/tipping equilibrium for the rest of you by doing that. :)

    I'm not really sure how much english is spoken in this place since I get by in spanish, but Jessica told me that a lot of tourists visit the place, so I suppose there will be no problem if you don't speak spanish - you can always point and smile I guess. :)

    If a more regular visitor can contribute with a recent report on the selection of girls at different times of the day that would be awesome.

    Also, for you experienced guys: Is one location of R&V better than the others? R&V3 seemed to have nice facilities throughout the place.

    Also, how the hell do I get rid of the eucalyptus smell from the steam room? I had lunch after R&V and everything tasted like eucalyptus, and I'm pretty sure the waitress could smell it since she couldn't stop laughing when she talked to me. I asked if I was the first gringo she had ever seen in the restaurant and if that was the reason for her laughter to which she said yes, but I'm pretty sure she could just smell the eucalyptus.
    tika taka, 29 Nov 2010


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    Jack Jericho



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    It all depends on what are you looking for. R&V1 (Villarán) is the biggest and more conspicuous, it has more rooms, more and younger girls and also more clients, R&V2 (Arriola) is the smallest, has few girls and it doesn't have warm water in the showers but it is the most intimate. R&V3 (Canada) is halfways in between in size, girls and facilities.
    Jack Jericho, 1 Dic 2010


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    Marathon Hombre


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    I heard they raised the prices again at R&V to S/.110. Anyone confirm?
    Marathon Hombre, 1 Dic 2010


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    tika taka


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    If that's true it's a very recent change. As I wrote in my post I paid 90 soles on Monday.
    I'm planning on going back tomorrow, so I'll report back with the most recent price.
    tika taka, 1 Dic 2010


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    Yes, but the rise is 0nly in the R&V1 (Villarán). As far as I know R&V3 (Canada) is still S/.90. and R&V2 (Arriola) is still S/.80.
    Jack Jericho, 2 Dic 2010


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    tika taka


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    S/.90 at R&V3(Canada) today.

    After today I can see why some would prefer a sauna were FS is on the menu. JFC I wanted to nail the girl who treated me today, but I'm pretty sure she's way to nice of a girl, in her own opinion of course, to do anything like that - at least with a customer.

    Jimena is her name, very dark-skinned with hair like a black person**, 24 years old and a very sweet girl indeed.
    Massage was kind of boring until she started getting down to business, and I guess I'm not really there just for the massage so no big deal.

    0nly two girls to choose from when I came in at 1PM. Jimena and Luana, who looked more like a standard Peruvian. When I was on my way out a couple more girls were there. One of them looked like she had just arrived.

    ** I have no idea what the English word for that kind of hair is, and my description might not be politically correct. Sorry about that.
    tika taka, 2 Dic 2010


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    RT here.

    I am happy to report that everything is as it always was at Relax y Vida #3.

    The house fee is now up to 110 Soles, but the slightly higher price is more than offset by the fact that the lovely Margaret is running the place. She used to do the training at #1 back in the day, so her presence assures a great RyV experience.

    I couldn't tell you the girl's name from yesterday, as they are pretty much all the same there (awesome), and mostly because I forgot to write it down. But everything happened that always happened. I took an 'after' photo of myself, and I looked pretty well-spent.

    One note: My amigo 0nly had dollars with him. They accepted the US currency, but gave a rate of 2.65, when the casino was paying 2.70. So showing up without soles is an option, not just your most cost-effective one.
    RT Gooch, 17 Feb 2012


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    Juan Alimaña


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    Hey RT,
    What is the average "tip"?

    Juan Alimaña, 19 Feb 2012


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    RT Gooch



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    From what I understand, it is still 50 soles, and if they break the big rule, 100 soles.

    I gave my girl 60 because that's what I had, and I am always feeling generous when I leave there.
    RT Gooch, 19 Feb 2012


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    the visitor


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    I stopped by R&V3 the other day for the first time in about a year and man, I was severely disappointed. There were 5 girls working and all 5 bordered on hideous. I hung out in the social area for nearly two hours, hoping for anything over 5 on the scale of 1 to 10. It was a waste of time and I left without partaking. What a sad, sad day it was.
    the visitor, 22 Ago 2012


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    ciudadano del mundo
    al lado de camino, donde talves nos encontremos
    at least tell us the name of the girls who were there . bye
    passajero, 22 Ago 2012


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    RT Gooch



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    RT here.

    As chance would have it, I was visiting RyV #3 two nights ago, around 8 pm.

    The girls were on the lower end of the 'cute girl next door' look, which I would have to agree was a small step down than previously.

    I wound up sessioning with Liz. She was very carinosa, and gave a strong massage. Liz did, however, have a very strong respect for the house rules, so nothing more than standard happened. The price remains at 110 soles for the house, and I tipped Liz 60 soles on top of that.

    Although -- for me -- cute is really important, the level/type of service that I received at Relax y Vida has not changed, and I felt like I got good value for my money.
    RT Gooch, 23 Ago 2012


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