Tequila Rock Economics - A Historical View

Tema en 'MONEY MATTERS' iniciado por RT Gooch, 20 Mar 2010.

    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    Hello. RT here. I received the following white paper on Tequila Rock girls' pricing from a forista who prefers to stay in lurker mode. I met him in Lima last week, and he asked me to post this for him:


    Don't Blame the Bimbos.
    Blame the Bushes the Banks and the Obamas​

    An in depth analysis of the pricing pressures on Peruvian Pussy (aka Poo‘see Peruwanna) caused by Inflation, Military Adventurism, and Global Warming.

    By Speedbump

    In the early quarters of 2010, when the Flatbackers at Tequila Rock started saying $cien and sometimes even $cien – veinte - the astonished Johns cried out Cuantos?? and Por favor!!

    But the Perdidas of the Rock had done their homework, and the Johns had not. With their unerring instincts, and knowledge of global economics, they knew the USD was in the toilet. They asked themselves - What do they want, a Mercy Fuck???

    The fact is, that the price of Peruvian Pussy has remained relatively constant for at least the last 4 years.

    In the first quarter of 2006, when I traveled to Lima on my first fact finding mission, the asking price for Free Range Pussy was $80 - $100 USD. However the national currency here is the Nuevo Sole – not the Dollar - which at that time was trading at s/. 3.4 to $1USD.

    3.4 * $80.00 USD = 272 soles

    At the time of this posting, the putas of the Rock are asking $100 - $120 USD. But the exchange rate is down to 2.8.

    2.8 * $100 USD = 280 soles

    A difference of 8 soles or less than $3.00.

    In Summation:

    I am not confident that this trend will hold. As service providers continue to invest in infrastructure, we could see a Global shortage of silicone and eye liner, resulting in a temporary panic in the market. Furthermore, if those Horndogs who hang out in Rio figure out that they're not welcome during the Olympics; the increased demands could destabilize the market even further!

    Don't Do Nuthin I Wouldn't Do

    RT Gooch, 20 Mar 2010


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    I think that is all fine and good but it is missing the main point that most of us have.

    In my experience it is the feeling of being ripped off by the Ladies at TR then how much they ask for. I was told 250 soles all night but as reported (See my last report - RT can you link it in) she wanted more money after the first pop and then I asked her to leave.

    I personally think it is there attitude that let's TR down. On the other hand if relax and Vida charged $100 I personally would not have a problem as you leave happy! and not feeling crap.

    Also, I think that the feeling that the girls are like robots all saying $100 dollars makes us feel that they think that just because we are gringo's we are loaded and dont value money. As we compare this with other places within Lima and think that they say $100 to see if they can get away with it.
    iceman1, 21 Mar 2010


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    A RT Gooch le gusta esto.

    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. I agree with you 100%, Ice. Like you, I have not found a good attitude at TR in over a year.

    However, I spent some time with Speedbump last week, and he told me about some recent good experiences with girls he has met at TR (I wish he would post about them). So we have to be open to the possibility that there are girls who give a good session there, and hope that the business reality of good service gets rewarded exists in a basement on Diez Canseco.

    Speedbump was just saying that -- with the decline of the dollar -- the girls are simply adjusting their requests to hold their sol income constant. If he can continue to pull satisfactory dates out of there, he's OK with the US$ price increase.

    The fact that girls that used to take US$70 for TLN (approx 240 soles four years ago) are now asking for US$100 for two hours... well, that's another story entirely.
    RT Gooch, 21 Mar 2010


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    Sly One


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    I think you are all missing the point here...
    These girls are harden pros...
    I go there every month or so for a look and some of the girls having been working there for 8 years

    at 3 years x say 4 guys a week x 52 weeks/year = 624 guys

    Thats alot of Johns...

    Respect for guys and the williness to provide a good service went out the window long ago...

    You might be lucky and find a relative newby who gives good service but the problem here is the new girls seem to team up with old hands for security...
    So the inadequate service cycle is quickly learnt and continued ???

    My advice for whats it worth is
    If you are lucky enough to find a good service provider keep her cell number and repeat or if you must shop around contact a local for the cell number of a good service provider (sweet 20-23 yr old who has just started or working her way though collage is ideal...)

    Tequila Chicas and SWs should be your last choice not your first....

    Sly One, 24 Mar 2010


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    I think that Sly is right but curiosity killed the cat. We all want to see and like children if you say don’t do that we will. We would never be on this site or monger.

    Also, I would hate to do calculation on some of the girls that I have been with. I think you have hit the nail on the head it is the fact that there is a culture of the old hag’s teaching the new ones the way they operate. I am sure that they think that these guys are gringo’s they won’t know any better we can rip them off and what will they do as there will be another plane load around the corner.

    I think Sly is right it is far better to find a jewel and get a number and to see if she has any mates etc. Tequilla is a place if you cant be asked to do any looking around and put any effort into mongering go there expect to pick up a girl pretty easily, you don’t need that much English. However, don’t have high expectations and certainly look forward to be disappointed (I say this in light hearted way).

    Personally, I have been there and I if i had a chance again save the $100 and contact sly you will have more girls to chose from and spend a more memorable time (from what i have heard). The other benefit is that you might get a number or 2 of the girls there (I am in no way promoting Sly’s parties but if i had to do it again that would be my first point of call).

    iceman1, 28 Mar 2010


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    A Juan Alimaña y gunslinger les gusta esto.



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    Never been there, and don't plan to go there !

    For your $100, you can have a heck of a lot more fun than 1 TR girl - who may or may not do you right !

    Best way to enjoy Lima -
    Learn the language, learn the city + streets (where you can go / where you should never go !), and enjoy it.

    Pick up the sunday paper and find a massage place to start your days with...try out some of the Trome girls (Lince is a good place to start, and somewhat safe) Or you can always visit some of the gals off of the larger websites.

    Leave the TR and Pizza Alley ladies be - unless that's your 0nly option. There is much more to Lima (even if you just stay in Miraflores !)

    While yes - $ wise there hasn't really been a huge increase in costs in Lima - we all know that once they get used to getting something, it's 0nly a short matter of time before they raise it again. And if you don't give what they ask for, you run the risk of getting a lesser service.
    dtaylor1972, 13 Nov 2010


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