I may finallly do this, please help with game plan

Tema en 'NEWBIE QUESTIONS' iniciado por Marathon Hombre, 13 Jul 2007.

    Marathon Hombre


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    I have lived in Lima for over a year. Until recently I've been with 1 girl. We are currently separated and may end up back together but I figure this is as good a time as any to finally have some chica fun.

    I have an apartment in Miraflores and speak fluent Spanish but I'm not about to bring a working girl back to my place. I think I'm gonna check out Tequila Rock but I am not sure how to logistically setup the hotel. Maria Luisa seems like the best hotel for the $. But when would be the best time to get a room? Do I get it before or after TR? I just don't want to get the room, go to TR, not find a chica and end up with a hotel room I never use.

    What do you recommend I do if I just want to go out, hook up with a chica for an hour or two, send her on her way and come home. Any recommendations on a place close to TR that I can just take a girl, get a room, and do the deed?

    Thanks for the help. I promise to provide a report if I end up going through with this.
    Marathon Hombre, 13 Jul 2007


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. Good morning. I admire your ability to identify a "window of opportunity."

    There's no need to pre-book a room, in my opinion -- by the time you're in a hotel, it's not like you have to impress the girl or anything -- they're hookers.

    If you're hell-bent on the Maria Luisa, you might want to set it up in advance, just because they often fill up. My suggestion would be to walk through the park and get a room at the Las Palmas. They often run a 70 Sol special, and I have never seen them totally full. The cheap rooms are fairly basic, but it is clean and the front desk people wouldn't care if you checked in with a herd of cattle.

    I have never been there, but a friend of mine recommended [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Hostel Schell at 325 Schell (NE corner of Schell and Larco). He says that it is 0nly about a block away from the entrance of TR, and it cost him about 10 bucks for either short stay or all night. He says that it was clean, and the staff was professional. My friend is semi-picky, so I would give the place a shot. Since you're local, you might want to check it out in advance.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Good luck. I hope to hear a success story from you.[/FONT]
    RT Gooch, 14 Jul 2007


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    Marathon Hombre


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    I thought I'd come back to this thread and provide and update. Being separated from my girlfriend has really sucked. It is her idea and she simply is stressed over some unrelated personal issues and just wants time to sort them out. She still calls everyday and stops over once in a while which is probably 30% to see me and 70% to make sure I'm not having regular orgies in my apartment. You've not experienced a jealous girlfriend until you've been in a relationship with a Peruana. Don't even try to argue this point with me, you will lose.

    Anyway, Saturday night was it. I was at Pizza street with a gringo friend enjoying a free pisco sour after having consumed a few johnnie walkers. My friend had to go and left me all alone. I headed over to some discoteca I'd been in briefly the night before. A really short/petite charapa (from the jungle) grabbed my arm and we started dancing. It lasted a couple hours, I bought her table a couple pitchers and eventually asked her what she was doing afterwards, to which she responed, "do you live alone?". Well that certainly dropped the difficulty level.

    We took a short taxi to my apartment and spent the night fucking with hardly any sleep. She was pretty damn good. I'll just say I'm relatively young and in good shape and decent looking. It's the first time I've gone to a discoteca without the novia and I never realized how easy it would be especially with my gringo accent. I speak fluent spanish but it's still obvious I'm not Peruvian, although some thing I'm from Paraguay :confused: for some reason.

    Anyway, the disadvante to hooking up with a normal chick is having to get her the hell out of my apartment. She's not been in Lima very long so I'm hoping she can't find her way back to my apartment. I told her I was separated from my gf and I got a little crazy and I'd pay for her taxi home and give her a call. I'm sure she read though the BS but she didn't seem too upset. I guess time will tell although she has not tried to call me.

    I could probably do this every week if I wanted but probably will not. Working girls would be better in terms of not having to worry about stalking but I think I'm just going to wait out this time with my girlfriend and hope things work out.

    Thanks for the advice on hotels, it still might come in handy. I have a free pass to TR burning a hole in my wallet.
    Marathon Hombre, 31 Jul 2007


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    Acechando, oculto, en la selva de cemento.
    Thanks for the update! Would you remember which discoteca it was?

    And... good luck with the GF!
    Homo_Lo_Gato, 31 Jul 2007


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    Marathon Hombre


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    I don't know the name, but if you're walking down Pizza Street from the main entrance, pass that little side street on the left, go a little more there's a salsa club on the left. Go one more club on the left and that's that one. It's mostly regatón music.
    Marathon Hombre, 1 Ago 2007


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