Sofia Mulanovich is critiziced by Brazilian surfer

Tema en 'MISCELLANEOUS' iniciado por Juan_Camaney, 23 Sep 2009.


    Platinium Member

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    Lima, Perú
    Searching on the web I found this web page about surfing, where a brazilian jerk-off speak badly about Sofia Mulanovich and her aggressive surfing style.

    He complains about the fact that the gringa steals many waves from other surfers, including him. What do u think guys? is that really a rude and impolite behavior? Or he's just jelaousy?

    Spoiled sport?
    September 18, 2009 | Words By: inkawaves
    I was surfing Lobitos, in northern Peru, this past Sunday when Sofia Mulanovich paddled into the line-up. (Photo ASP Cestari © Covered Images.)

    Sounds great, right? Must be fun to watch a champ up close, and pick up some tips. Sofia is a bit of an idol in Peru, and is plastered all over billboards for cell phone companies and the like. In 2004, she won three out of the six World Championship Tour events and finished the season as World Champion. She is sponsored by Roxy and the Spanish cell phone company Movistar, among others.
    Well, the experience caused dismay. Lobitos is a fantastic wave, a fast left that was working nicely at chest to head high, and wasn’t too crowded. There were plenty of waves to go around, people were behaving themselves, and it was especially fun to see a couple of Peruvians and Brazilians guys ripping like I have never seen before.
    Then Sofia showed up. On her first wave, she dropped in on me. I figured it was a random act of rudeness – until I saw her steal dozens of waves over the next two hours from virtually everyone else in the line-up. There was no reason to do this. People were eager to watch her surf and were otherwise happy to make space for her in the water. But she insisted on snaking people. I told my Peruvian friends about this and they said: “Yeah, well, that’s Peru, you have to be aggressive or somebody else will steal your wave.” Maybe. Snakes abound here. But you’d think her sponsors and public relations handlers would have passed along some general guidelines for behavior: like “don’t drop in on people, because if you do it repeatedly without apologizing people will think you are a snot, rude, or just clueless and it will reflect poorly on us. You need to be an ambassador for the sport.”
    Well, she either feels like rules don’t apply to her or that all etiquette should be suspended when she goes into the water because she’s extra special.
    That’s no way to be a champion, or are you a spoiled sport? Come on Sofia, show some class!


    John Camaney
    Juan_Camaney, 23 Sep 2009


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    Hard to tell, Juan.

    Could have been Sofia's misconduct, or the brazilian guy's jealousy.

    Either way, it wouldn't hurt Sofia and her PR people to pay more attention to this kind of details.

    I'll make sure to tell her the next time we hit the waves together. :D:D:D


    gunslinger, 23 Sep 2009


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    A Juan_Camaney le gusta esto.


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    when you are in THE LINE the locals and the best surfer are the one who will get the best ones first!
    Ernestino, 24 Sep 2009


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    Captain James E. Raynor


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    Waves are a special resource in surfing, it depends basically on weather. So, you can be waiting hours for just a wave. Lobitos is a nice beach to practice this sport, lot of perfect waves. I can picture Sofia surfing in Lobitos, eveyone excited watching her performing so well. Personally, I wouldn't say no to Sofia, she is a heroine in this country!! But, I gotcha when the brazilian complains about her attitude, it's kind of selfish. I mean, taking advantage of your reputation, I don't see it very respectful. Anyway, in Peru we are used to the chaos, no need Sofia be present to realize about it.
    Captain James E. Raynor, 12 Mar 2010


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