taking advantage of being a gringo at a spa

Tema en 'SAUNAS AND MASSAGES' iniciado por the visitor, 3 Feb 2010.

    the visitor


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    I'm an obvious gringo, I stick out like a sore thumb from a mile away and really use that to my advantage in local massage houses where sex is prohibited. I have an excellent track record of having sex in these places. I've had sex at RyV 1 and 3 (never been to 2), the old ones on Angamos and Leal and by Polvos Rosados, and others. Hell, I've never not had sex at block 12 of Arequipa. For me, a big part of the thrill is the challenge of nailing one of these massage girls.

    My routine works pretty good and takes advantage of me being an obvious gringo. Although I live in Lima and have for years, I never admit that. To the girls, I am a tourist, first time in Peru, just here for a few days and wanted a good massage. I tell them straight that I want sex, I'll use a condom, that I know it's prohibited, but that I swear I won't tell anyone, etc. I also offer to double their standard tip, which is usually S/ 50, so I end up paying S/ 100, and the critical part - I tell them that I haven't had sex in several months, so long in fact, that I'm not sure I'll be able to. I don't know why, some kind of female logic thing, but that simple statement seems to always be the one that pushes their indecision over the top and seals the deal.

    On one occasion, I've had to resort to a higher price and on another I had to admit that I'd been nailing one of the other girls there, but I rarely get completely shot down. My worst record is at RyV 1 (probably about 50%) and I'm at 100% success at a couple of others.

    It's a little awkward at first when I return to a place after a few months and find the girl I nailed last time after telling her I was a tourist 0nly here for a few days, but they usually just smile when they realize I tricked them. They can't really complain about it and I've had a couple offer to do me again. Anyway, thought I'd pass this on as I just had sex with a young hottie that was so nervous, she was shaking and giving me the shhhhhh, with her finger over her lips, it was hilarious. And no, I'm not going to give her name as I don't want them to have problems caused by me giving out their identity. Give it a try and good luck.
    the visitor, 3 Feb 2010


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    A Don_Bakunin, RT Gooch y Juan Alimaña les gusta esto.


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    Thanks for the tip, visitor.

    Regarding this comment, it is pretty similar to the "urban legend" of a girl being determined to have sex with a guy once they tell her he's gay. It usually works, as long as the aforementioned guy is not actually gay. :cool:

    gunslinger, 4 Feb 2010


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. Another good line to use on the girls is always a plus... thanks.

    However, my gut tells me that this was the best part of your 'sales pitch':
    ... not that I have a problem with that. In fact, I encourage it! :D
    RT Gooch, 6 Feb 2010


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    the visitor


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    Jeez, i can't believe it's been over 10 years since I wrote that, but I'm still in Lima and still use that MO, and I'm still somewhat successful. I slowed down a bit though, even before the pandemic. I did end up having long term relationships with a couple of massage girls, one for a couple of years, she even took me to meet her family. Talk about awkward, they all knew I was married and I was older than her mother.

    However, I have met a couple that I was immediately enamored with, one in particular, but she wouldn't budge. I even resorted to going back a few times, upped the offer, but no luck. Maybe the fact that she wouldn't cave made her all the more alluring. I was just looking for her for another attempt and she is no longer there. I didn't get her number either. I hate it when that happens.

    Anyway, good luck
    the visitor, 6 Dic 2020


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    A RT Gooch y Jack Jericho les gusta esto.



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    hahahahhaa nice one!
    jonathanmickie, 6 Oct 2023


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