Club Girls vs. Escorts- Which is Better?

Tema en 'MISCELLANEOUS' iniciado por Raymond48, 3 Ene 2012.



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    I am back in Lima for what must be the 4th -5th time. I come back for the weather and the night clubs. I have very little use for the escort websites.

    There is nothing better than a face to face with a girl before you head off for the sack. It may cost a little more, but in the long run it is well worth it. At a night club you see exactly who you are bedding down with . If you like what you see and still don't decide to "go out back" with her ... get her number . She will GLADLY give it to you. Be polite, be discreet .... she will jump at the chance to meet you privately on her own. She will meet you for the same price as the "night club " price and it will be on your terms at your apartment or hotel and it will probably be much better and much longer than the "one hour" at the night club. In the club she is not watching the clock , her boss is.

    How many times have you called in for an escort and when you opened the door you were really put off by what stood before you ? But yet you let her in anyway. That is called "settling". I did not fly 5K miles to settle. You just let 300 - 400 soles slip out of your hands. Divide the cost of one or two disappointments at your doorstep and you will see that a more expensive night club girl is worth every sole.

    I have found that most, if not all the "escort" websites are a waste of time. I used to run a small escort agency in Chicago. I laugh when I see these agencies listing 20 or more girls. There is NO WAY an agency can manage that many girls. It is impossible.

    The websites that are up and running for independents isn't much better. They are still manipulated by a few individuals who swap photos, phone numbers etc ......... Next time you see a girl on a ANY website that you like, copy and paste her phone number. Do a google search. Put the number in quotes "999 XXX XXX" and hit search. You will be amazed at how many hits some of these girls get. AND ... if you click on these hits, you will see that it might lead to websites of 3-4-5 DIFFERENT girls with the same number. SO, who is going to be at your door when the bell rings?

    I have been doing this for many, many years ..... I know what is going on. As I write this posting, on my left I see Ruby scrolling by .... she is Lucy on a different website and Brisa on another.

    Happy Hunting
    Raymond48, 3 Ene 2012


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    Usuario Baneado.

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    A (bad) MEMENTO
    I remember one night i called a girl, this was one of my oldest and first experiences before to be Perutopist:
    I took de local 50 cents newspaper. A hot night and i didn't know where to go or what means a night club. I find the classic adds showing "VIP" girls, i thought that it means Very Important People but with the years i think that it is "Very Idiot Paying". Call the number and other side of the phone a girl answers:

    11:30 PM

    ME (shy but very hot with a sexual fire:mad2:): "Hi, i want to use ur services... so..."
    Girl: "Hi swettie, this is 70 soles half an hour and 120 a complete hour. They r very sexy, they r models from Lima!!" (i live in the south of the country)
    ME (i wasn't very sure, i hadn't confidence cause her voice was a bit tough): "... okay, i'll wait, i live in ......."(this is also a mistake of newbie, never gives ur address, go to a hotel))
    Girl: "I am coming, wait for me forteen minutes..." (me in my mind: "wtf! u say the girls r beatiful but u r going to coming and not any of those girls...:mad:")

    00:30 AM
    The phone rings, i'm still hot:
    Girl: "Wait, please!, I'm for San Juan de Dios Hospital and still must to see a customer"
    ME: "... ok. I wait."

    1:20 AM
    I was already in bed reading, i listen the phone, get up and answer it:
    Girl: "Do u still want it?, I have to c other client and it is going to take an hour"
    Me: "mmm, yeah, sure"

    3:20 AM
    I am almost sleeping... But she loves to disturb with the f*cking phone:
    Girl: "Do u still want it? i'm free now and am going to there..."
    Me: "ahummm, yeahhss, shhure, i will waa...ahumm...te u" I just going to my bed to a heavy sleep.

    4:50 AM
    The hated phone rangs and i awake, i'm not hot, i'm cold and i wanted that that terrible girl would let me sleep:
    Girl: "I am near .... but i'm not sur Where is the place exactly?
    Me: "Jussht goh in a ssshhtraight line and turn to urrrh right in everyy cornersh, c u tomorrow-ouuh"

    9:00 AM
    The day is in its glory, a radiant sun and... rings the f$·%ing phone, I guess that she is:
    Girl: "¿Do u want it?":bad:
    Me: "¡No!:bangin: I'm sorry, i've 2 work, Thanks!"
    Girl: "But yesterday I spent in gasoline, u've to pay me!..."
    Me::eek: (just an uncomfortable silence)
    Me: Yeah, sure baby;) i'll pay u. Buy right now i've to go, call me in the night...

    So I prefer brothels and night clubs:rolleyes:...
    (And the evil witch never more called me again: A happy end hehehe...)
    I prefer the brothels cause i can c all the beauties for myself.
    I prefer the nights cause i can receive much more, even the girls can go otside with u and have sex without money.

    Post-Data: I think this thread could be better in other part of the english forum.
    kermus, 3 Ene 2012


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    Totally agree.

    I have not had bad experiences with call girl/escort services, but I've had better experiences with girls I've chosen face to face. You know what you're getting so it's a win win situation. What our friend Raymond48 suggests is highly recommended: go to a nightclub, gather numbers discreetly, the next day (or whenever you want), call the girl over, wherever you want. No overpriced drinks, no house fee, no overpriced hotel room, no time constraints.

    Rafa01, 3 Ene 2012


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    the visitor


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    But sometimes I like the risk of the unknown. Remember Forest Gump and the box of chocolates? I enjoy that. Its almost like playing roulette or trying a restaurant you've never been to. It also makes those diamonds in the rough that much more enjoyable.
    the visitor, 4 Ene 2012


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    It is also matter of time, sometimes being a long time in a nightclub is maybe wasting time, but if you know how to look up in escorts you could find some real gems
    Neo_, 15 Ene 2012


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    Usuario Baneado.

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    donde esten las kines
    well, you have pros and cons in each cases. Personally, i'd rather escort girls.

    night clubs
    pros:you can see the girl's face, you can pick different girls
    cons:more expensive (drinks,hotels in somecases,cab), lot of people,more risk of getting a disease,treat not so good


    pros:less expensive,more higienic
    cons:they rush you,girl may be the different from the pic
    pussy_fucker, 18 Ene 2012


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    And .. You have more than enough info right here at your fingertips to make a somewhat educated decision....

    Plenty of fish to fry in Lima ... and if you don't like the looks ... just move on to the next one.
    dtaylor1972, 28 Ene 2012


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