Scena / Miraflores

Tema en 'Food and Restaurants' iniciado por ComputerGuy, 27 Mar 2007.



    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Francisco De Paula Camino 280
    511 445-9688

    OK, so we're sitting in my room, we're hungry, and we really don't feel like getting a cab to eat so we decide to go to Tanta in Miraflores. I do a quick search on the web, find the address, and I realize it's right around the corner from my hotel. We walk to the address and I realize that we're not at Tanta, we're at a place called Scena. I looked at the menu on the window and figured it looked good so why not give it a try? I had never heard of this place so what transpired the rest of the evening was a complete shock.

    We arrived around 8:15 and were given one of the few available tables on the main floor. The restaurant has 2 levels, the main floor and an upper balcony. This came as a shock that a restaurant was this packed this early. Restaurants are usually empty at 8:15 in Lima. The waiter brought us menus and I've never seen a menu like this. The menu is a magazine that they publish 4 times a year. It's highly professional and very impressive. I start reading the magazine and realize that this place is not 0nly a restaurant, it's an art gallery as well.

    We ordered dinner and the food was very good, not outstanding but a good meal. I had the lomo saltado and it was very good. As we were finishing dinner the waiter came over and put a placard on our table. I didn't really read it at first but I saw that it said no flash photography. I figured that makes sense since art fades but really didn't give it much thought. About 2 minutes later a woman came out and started doing an act while walking on a tightrope stretched across the restaurant. Ah, now I understand why the don't want flashes going off. I read the placard more closely and realized 2 things, first, they do performance art here and second, it didn't say you couldn't take movies. I took my camera out and filmed the performance. (I'll provide a link to the video later)

    After the first show the waiter came over and told me I couldn't take flash pictures. I explained that I wouldn't and that I was taking peliculas. He said that was fine as long as I didn't use a flash. The second performance was a woman with a fantastic voice singing. I filmed some of that as well until the manager came over and made me stop. He didn't share my and the waiters interpretation of the sign. No big deal but no more movies.

    Anyway, if you are looking for something different you might want to check this place out. To get to it walk through pizza alley to Bellavista, make a right on Bellavista, a left onto Francisco De Paula Camino, and it's a half a block down on the right. It seems to be the "in" place with the pretty people as I saw quite a few stunners come in with their dates for dinner.

    Oh, and dinner for 2 was 0nly $44 so it's pretty cheap as well. All in all, not a bad find for going to the wrong address. :)
    ComputerGuy, 27 Mar 2007


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    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Florida, EEUU
    RT here.

    My date and I re-visited Scena last week. The food was again outstanding, and I remembered to shoot a couple of photos while I was at it.

    My date had a tiradito and then something called Pastas Libre. I ordered a salad with crabcakes and the Atun Flambeado. The crabcakes were wonderful, but the tuna was cooked a little more than I prefer. I probably could have sent it back, but it was my first night in town, and I was looking forward to getting back to my apartment to enjoy dessert.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The total tab for the four dishes and a few soft drinks (no alcohol or dessert) came to 157 Soles.
    RT Gooch, 29 Abr 2009


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    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. I am still behind in uploading photos and reporting, but at least I am up to this year! :D

    Here is the Mixed Seafood Grill and the Atun Saltado from February, 2012.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The food remains excellent and the show is quirky enough to make this a stop on your culinary tour. The occasional shows don't start until 9 pm or something like that, so getting there for dinner at 7:30 kind of ruins the excitement. When you call for a reservation (an excellent idea on Thursday through Saturday, ask when the shows are.
    RT Gooch, 10 Jun 2012


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