Club 69 / Surquillo

Tema en 'NIGHT CLUBS' iniciado por RT Gooch, 29 Oct 2006.

    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Florida, EEUU
    Club 69
    John Paul Sartre 190, Surquillo
    Closed Sunday
    Link to thread in Spanish Forum

    From West_Wind's Field Report:

    I have written before about how upscale clubs in San Jose -- Tango India, Atlantis ... are often rip-offs. To discover that the upscale clubs in Lima are considerably different was a pleasant surprise. On the second night I was planning to go to Scarlet's with E from LA but given the hour we decide to go to club 69 As we entered we were approached by several chicas. I showed some restraint and E ended quickly on the couch with a partner. I finally spotted a petite innocent and called her over. What Fun! I bought her a 50 soles ($15) chica drink -- and said no rapido. I never bought more than one chica drink a night. You can go to the room locally or you can take out 2 hours for 50 soles ($15) to the house. These clubs are not cheep but you may find them a good value. There were gorgeous chicas dancing in some fairly classy shows. What a deal you get to meet and party with top tier chicas in a fun place, and you get the added security of them knowing that you can trace them back to there place of work all for about $25 in drinks and cover for both you and her and a $15 take out fee. Of course if you want to repeat you can probably get their phone. The first and subsequent performances were outstanding.
    RT Gooch, 29 Oct 2006


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    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
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    Florida, EEUU
    From my Field Report:

    According to everything that I’ve read and heard, Club 69 is the top option amongst the high-end clubs. I would be hard-pressed to disagree.

    Surquillo is the neighborhood right next to Miraflores, so it is not a long ride. The club is located right off Avenida Angamos. As soon as you turn off of the main drag, you’re in an industrial-looking area. At the gate, you honk your horn, and a garage door opens into a secure parking lot.

    I am sure that there is a (large) admission charge, but my friends are regulars at the club and have membership cards that grant them and their guests free admission. After getting patted down, we entered the club proper.

    Club 69 isn’t nearly as large as its reputation lead me to expect. The club measures about 40 feet by 120 feet, in basically three sections split up lengthwise. The first section contains the bar taking up about half of the left hand side. Above the bar is a stage with two poles. The right side had a stage and some tables around it. Rows number two and three were elevated for better sightlines and were filled with booths facing the bar/stage. Since it was Wednesday, 0nly the bar/stage was being used. Weekends are another story, I understand.

    I would estimate that there were about 30 girls working when we got there, dressed in your standard stripper/hooker outfits. And they were all very attractive, with a few stunners thrown in for good measure. There were two or three instances where my jaw dropped. Every third song or so, one of the girls would dance a one-song set, ending up either topless or totally nude, but the dances were more about having some eye candy than actually getting a look at these girls’ goods – the lighting wasn’t all that great. There were also a couple of choreographed dance numbers thrown into the mix, featuring one girl and two guy dancers. It wasn’t anything all that special, but it was OK to watch.

    The girls either milled about while talking to each other, or drank with customers. There was no hard sell from the girls at all – they wouldn’t approach any customers unless invited. Some of them knew our guys, and they would stop by to say hello, but they didn’t push themselves on us.

    If you are interested in a girl, you invite her over and chat her up, probably buying her a drink in the process. If you hit it off, you can either spend an hour with her on-site or two hours off-site (presumably to include travel time) for the price of $100 to the girl. On top of that, there’s a house fee that runs another 120-140 Soles ($37.50-43.75), depending on whether you take out or not (with take out being the cheaper option).

    I didn’t get a breakdown on drink prices, but they’re not cheap. The three of us had a vodka and tonic, a water, and a red bull, and the tab came to 91 Soles ($28.44). I am estimating that a night at Club 69 (including a girl) can easily run over $200. It’s not something that I would do every day, but some of those girls were really beautiful, and I am betting that they are not all that high-mileage, if that matters.

    The one thing that I didn’t like about Club 69 was that the room had absolutely no facilities to handle the cigarette smoke. My eyes started to tear up a little, and that hasn’t happened anywhere else this trip. All in all, it is an inconvenience that I would be willing to put up with, at least on occasion.
    RT Gooch, 29 Oct 2006


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    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Florida, EEUU

    1.- TYPE OF GIRL: Charapa (from the Selva)
    2.- FACE: Pretty enough. Beautiful grey eyes.
    3.- AGE: She said either 20 or 21
    4.- HEIGHT: 5'3"
    5.- BREASTS: Proportionate
    6.- WAIST: She was a little thick all around. Not fat, but not as flaca as many girls there.
    7.- TUMMY: None to speak of
    HIPS / BUTT: OK. Again, not so thin that she would blow away if a big wind came
    9.- LEGS: Average
    10.- PUSSY: 98% shaved. Just a little tussle of hair above the slit.
    11.- SKIN: Soft
    12.- PERSONAL HYGENE: Clean
    13.- TATOOS: None that I remember.
    14.- PERFORMANCE: Excellent. She knows how to have sex, and does it well.
    15.- FELLATIO: Good. We didn't spend too much time on it.
    17.- OVERALL TREATMENT: Excellent. Girlfriend experience.
    18.- PHONE:
    19.- ANNOUNCES IN: Club 69
    20.- PRICE: $150 all night. We got to my hotel before 2:00 am and she left at 8 in the morning. Plus whatever the club extorts as a salida.
    21.- LOCATION: My hotel in Miraflores
    23.- PRIVACY: N/A
    24.- WORKING
    EXPERIENCE [FONT=&quot](YEARS): I'm not sure
    25.- SEX QUALITY: Excellent. See my notes below.
    26.- FINAL SCORE:
    Looks: 7 Attitude: 9 Sex: 8.5
    27.- WOULD YOU RETURN? Possibly, but there are so many girls in Lima...
    28.- CATEGORY:
    Young and eager to please.

    My flight landed in Lima and I was checked in and settled into my hotel by midnight on a weekday. I had a three-tier plan: See if there was anyone acceptable in the Pizza Alley area, find if I could locate a willing participant at Club 69, and when all else failed, go to Tequila Rock by 2:00 am.

    Well, Pizza Alley was empty, so Club 69 it was. This was the week between Christmas and New Year's, so many of the girls were back home for the holidays. I did not see either of the two girls I had sessioned with on previous visits. There were about 20 girls there, a few extremely beautiful (they were busy with other guys), some very pretty and some OK looking.

    I walked all the way down to the bar and ordered up a bottle of water, watched the show and waited to see what would happen. After a few minutes, Nicole approached me (She was one of the OK looking girls -- if there weren't all of the beautiful ones there, I would have been more impressed).

    We had the normal chat: no, not my first time here, from the U.S., talked about the other parts of Peru, had a good Christmas, etc. She noticed that I wasn't exactly warming up to her, so she laid it out for me. "Look," she said "I may not be the most beautiful girl here, but I am really, really great in bed." That got my interest up, so I bought her a drink. She then spent the next half hour sitting in my lap, dropping her top and bottom so that I could sample the goods, kissing me deep and long throughout.

    I told her that I was now interested, but that since I wasn't 21 years old any more, I needed some time to rest between sessions, and she would need to stay with me all night. She readily agreed, but said that I would have to pay two salidas, so she wouldn't have to return to the club. I balked at this (the place was pretty empty), and she went and talked to the manager, who said 0nly one exit fee would be necessary. Our drinks finished, I told her to go change her clothes so that we could leave.

    Back at the hotel, she lived up to her promises. I got off a few clothed pictures of her, and then Nicole was all over me. Once the main act started, she just couldn't seem to get enough. I did the best that I could for as long as I could, and I finished happy (I think she did, too, but who knows). We fell asleep for a while, and when we woke up a couple of hours later, we went at it again. This time, I could tell that her heart wasn't really in it, but she still went out of her way to make sure that I was enjoying myself.

    While I was breathing heavily, she showered and got dressed. I emailed her the photos from the night before and gave her $150 for the evening (the standard deal at Club 69 is $100 for two hours) and she went on her way. I believe that I wound up paying about 180 Soles (about $58) to the club, including the salida, my drink, her drink, and a tip to the bartender.

    She has since emailed me, showing a keen sense of customer service. Nicole speaks no English, but most of what took place with her would have went just as well without much in the way of speaking.

    RT Gooch, 9 Ene 2007


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    Thanks RT. Excellent report.

    I was put off by the hard sell at Club 69 (my personal experience) but they definitely had some talent in the place.
    Tanager, 10 Ene 2007


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    Do the chicas arrive earlier in the evening at 69 than they do at Scarlet's? I love Scarlet's but it's tough for me to go there during the week because the chicas don't start rolling in until after 11 PM. It's usually 2 or 3 AM before I get home from there and that's way too late for an old man like me to be staying out when I have to work the next day.
    ComputerGuy, 11 Mar 2007


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. I believe that the answer to that is yes. The last time that I was at Emmanuelle (same ownership), one of the girls told me that they were fined if they weren't at work by either 8 or 9 oclock.

    That being said, I was there at about 10:30 one night, and the selection was sparse and the girls kept showing up, so who knows?

    Also, at my last visit to Club 69 on a weeknight, they told me that they were closing at 2:00 am, much earlier than Scarlet's winds down.

    However, you're not buying low-priced half hour sessions at 69; you're paying a bunch, and usually keeping the girl for two hours or so. And, as a bonus, you're already in your bed when they leave, so there's no travel time and you can be asleep five minutes after you put them in a cab.
    RT Gooch, 11 Mar 2007


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]RT here. Last night, Club 69 was swarming with really good-looking chicas.

    I saw no evidence of the 'gang-banger' element of the clientele that has been reported elsewhere.

    I found the selection there equal in quality to Emanuelle, with much less of a crowd to navigate.
    RT Gooch, 24 Nov 2007


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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Lima, Peru
    The on-site in Emanuelle is a little better though and is in less of a bizarre area. Have you noticed on the Spanish section that there appears to be a "buzz" surrounding Emanuelle at the moment, which may account for the crowds? (I also note that Cassanova appears to be getting competitive with some of their offerings including a disco to go head to head with TR on a Sunday night, although I cannot work out if they are going somewhere else because Cassanova is not a large place.....Perhaps our cunning linguist friends can help?

    TinTin, 24 Nov 2007


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    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Florida, EEUU

    1.- TYPE OF GIRL: Standard dark-haired Peruvian girl.
    2.- FACE: Pretty enough.
    3.- AGE: Around 30
    4.- HEIGHT: 5'4" or so.
    5.- BREASTS: Nice in her bikini top; 0nly OK in person.
    6.- WAIST: Proportionate to her body.
    7.- TUMMY: None, really
    HIPS / BUTT: OK. Nice. Better than I get to fondle at home.
    9.- LEGS:
    Two of 'em. Just what the doctor ordered.
    10.- PUSSY: Shaved. Tasty.
    11.- SKIN: Soft
    12.- PERSONAL HYGENE: Clean
    13.- TATOOS: None that I remember.
    14.- PERFORMANCE: Excellent. Angel is a fun girl, and the fun extended to the cama.
    15.- FELLATIO:
    Very Good. It seems like she missed the safe sex class in school when when they discussed oral sex.
    ANAL SEX: Don't know; didn't ask.
    17.- OVERALL TREATMENT: PSE. We rocked, rolled, and I staggered to the door to let her out when we were done.
    18.- PHONE:
    19.- ANNOUNCES IN: Club 69
    20.- PRICE: 300 Soles plus all of the drinks and salida at 69.
    21.- LOCATION: My hotel in Miraflores
    23.- PRIVACY: N/A
    24.- WORKING
    EXPERIENCE [FONT=&quot](YEARS): A while, I guess.
    25.- SEX QUALITY: Outstanding.
    26.- FINAL SCORE:
    Looks: 7 Attitude: 10 Sex: 9 Average: 8.67
    27.- WOULD YOU RETURN? Sure.
    28.- CATEGORY: Great attitude, great lay, great girl

    [/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]RT here. I stopped by Club 69 the other night. I had seen Angel on my previous two or three visits there, but I was always with a friend, and although we would exchange smiles and nods, I never really got a chance to spend any time with her. Until the other day.

    She's fairly easy to identify: every time I've seen her, she's wearing a polka-dot bikini top and a matching beach skirt. Think Wonder Bread with tits and an ass. She's got long, dark hair, almost always a smile on her face, and a nice body. Out of her Polka Dot clothes, her breasts sag just a bit (she is 30), but the rest of the package is nothing to sneer at.

    Angel saw that I was alone, planted herself in my lap, kissed me long and hard, smiled and asked why I took so long to show up to get her. I wound up buying her two drinks, and we spent the next hour sucking face, groping and fondling, and watching the shows on stage. Angel gave me the low-down on the various girls who worked there, and tried hard to keep my attention away from the dozens of hot girls walking around the club. She did her best, but what can a guy do?

    Anyway, after about an hour, I paid the salida and she went to change clothes. I put the charge on my Capital One card (no foreign transaction fees). Things are not cheap at Club 69. The price was US$64.97, and that included a soft drink for me, two pisco sours for Angel, and the salida. They have some formula where they discount the house fee based on drinks for the girls. If you just barfine a girl without drinks, they hit you for 140 Soles (about $48), so if you 0nly buy drinks for the girl that you’re leaving with, all the fondling, pawing and kissing on-site is virtually free. She was very affectionate in the cab on the way to my hotel room.

    Back in the room, she had me throw her right down on the table in the living area, and we went at it like school kids that were worried that mom & dad would be home soon. Eventually, we wound up in the bedroom, and we worked the sheets like I was the hottest guy she was ever with and (for me) she was a hot chick that this old guy got to do. We finally came up for air 45 minutes later. We hung around in bed for a while, and then she let me take some pictures and took a shower before getting dressed. She left with 300 Soles plus some change for the taxi back to the club.

    Angel is pretty cool -- while we were looking at the pictures I took, we got to talking about one of the girls who was dancing in the club that night. When Angel figured out that I liked her, she offered to go back to work, get the girl's phone number, and put a good word in for me. The phone number was in my email box even before I woke up the next morning. In a business where the girls are often very protective of their client base (supply in Peru definitely outweighs demand), this was an awesome move on her part.

    I will repeat with Angel. The sex is excellent, she's friendly and has a good attitude, and she took a long time to finish her drinks in the club. It's a nice 1-2-3 combo, and I don’t get to see that all that often.

    One other note: Club 69 is off the beaten path, and if you don’t have a ride, the cabbies who sit outside the club will fleece you for 20 Soles for a ride back to Miraflores. I have a regular driver, but if I didn’t, I would flag down a driver in town and cut a deal with him to take me to the club and wait for me. Just about every Lima cabbie will agree to a 20 Sol per hour rate. You wind up paying a few more cents if you hang at the club for a while, but you have a ride waiting, and you don’t reinforce the ‘It’s OK to rip people off’ attitude that the sharks outside the club have.
    RT Gooch, 4 Sep 2008


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    Lima, Peru
    That has got to be a first! :D

    TinTin, 6 Sep 2008


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    RT Gooch



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    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Puntos de trofeo:
    Florida, EEUU

    1.- TYPE OF GIRL: Hot blond Colombiana
    2.- FACE: Outstanding
    3.- AGE: Late 20s
    4.- HEIGHT: 5'5", more or less.
    5.- BREASTS: Enhanced. Fabulous.
    6.- WAIST: Thin
    7.- TUMMY: What tummy?
    HIPS / BUTT: Really nice. If I had to nit-pick, this would be her worst asset. Really beautiful to look at; a little softer than expected to fondle.
    9.- LEGS: Long, thin, smooth

    10.- PUSSY: Shaved.
    11.- SKIN: Soft, smooth
    12.- PERSONAL HYGENE: Clean. Freshly showered when she showed at my apartment.
    13.- TATOOS: None. Her tongue is pierced.
    14.- PERFORMANCE: Excellent. She was there to please, and please she did.
    15.- FELLATIO:
    Very Good. Sin condon. She put her ton
    gue piercing to its best use.
    ANAL SEX: Don't know; didn't ask.
    17.- OVERALL TREATMENT: Fabulous. She showed up on time, and treated me like the horny guy I was.
    18.- PHONE:
    19.- ANNOUNCES IN: Club 69
    20.- PRICE: US$100 plus taxi fare.
    21.- LOCATION: My hotel in Miraflores
    23.- PRIVACY: N/A
    24.- WORKING
    EXPERIENCE [FONT=&quot](YEARS): A while, I guess.
    25.- SEX QUALITY: Outstanding. Pretty much whatever I wanted to do was OK. Granted, I am not all that imaginative.
    26.- FINAL SCORE:
    Looks: 9 Attitude: 9 Sex: 9 Average: 9
    27.- WOULD YOU REPEAT? Yes. The 0nly problem is the sheer quantity of women available in Lima.
    28.- CATEGORY: Trophy date that -- incredibly -- also included excellent sex.

    [/FONT]RT here. Jessica is the girl that I was drooling over the night I sessioned with Angel (see my post above). Angel made the introduction when she returned to work and emailed Jessica's number to me when she got home.

    I called Jessica early Sunday evening and scheduled a date with her for 10:30 that night. Jessica said that she was waiting for my call and would be glad to come ove
    r. I sent her the hotel address via text message.

    Right on time, the front desk called to announce Jessica. I went to get her, and she looked just as good in 'regular' clothes as she does when she's all done up at the club.

    Jessica is in her late 20s, with long blond hair, a pretty face and nice smile, and a beautiful (enhanced) rack. Top (or bottom?) it off with a slim waist and nice butt, and you've got one neat package. Aside from her normal stripping duties, she's the lead in most of the boy/girl production numbers at the club, so she's really well-toned.

    She asked for a Coke, and we talked for a bit. We discussed her coming to Peru from Colombia to work and support her family (I'm not sure that I could just up and leave everyone I know for work), the extra practice needed to dance in the shows, and some more stuff. After about ten minutes she suggested that we head to the bedroom. I agreed that it was a good idea.

    While she was in her bra and panties, she let me take a few photos before we got down to business.

    There are times when the really beautiful girls are duds in bed. Not so with Jessica. She was there for my pleasure, and did a good job of it. Her mouth went where I wanted it to, as did mine. She was OK with any positions I could think of (I'm not all that creative), and gave as well as she got. Kissing was OK with her, but 0nly to a limit. That was OK; this wasn't girlfriend makeout sex -- this was just plain old fucking.

    We (I) finally came to a sweaty finish. We laid around talking for a bit and then she went into the bathroom to freshen up, got dressed and finished her coke while I burnt a CD of her pictures to take with her. She took the $100 I gave her without counting it and told me that 20 Soles would cover her round-trip taxi fare. I walked her to the street where she found a cab, kissed me good-bye, and was out of my life one hour and ten minutes after she arrived.

    I had an excellent time with Jessica and would recommend her to anyone who asked. Would I repeat? Of course I would want to, but there are so many women in Lima, it's sometimes a difficult thing to do. But I think I would make the time to date her again -- especially without the added costs that are involved with a trip to Club 69.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    RT Gooch, 16 Sep 2008


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    Due to some health issues and my forgetting to get all my immunization shots, it'll be a few weeks before I can take advantage of all Peru has to offer. But I've been dropping by a bunch of clubs/etc. just to check them out and hang out.

    Some comments about Club 69.

    The quality of the girls is quite good. I was pleasantly surprised, considering how the typical peruvian girl looks. I've been to a few places now and 69 (and Emmanuelle) had the best girls.

    Looks like $120 is the price now (same as Club Emmanuelle). One of the girls quote an even higher price, but after I laughed at her, she tried bargaining. So it looks like there is some give-and-take in the prices. I can't get a session now, so I didn't try bargaining down the $120, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is negotiable depending on the time, how busy it is and the girl.

    I went last night rather early (8:15pm on a Thursday) and it was dead...I was the 0nly customer. A few girls popped out around 9'ish, but I think it was because one of the waiters told them I was there. Even at 10pm-11pm, there were fewer than 10 girls. The show (single girl dancing on a small platform with very dim lighting) didn't start til 10pm.

    Re: hard depends on the time and the girl. Since I went early and there were so few customers, I found that the girls were pushing rather hard. A couple just plopped down next to me and started talking about going for a session immediately. After 10pm, when there were more customers, the girls were a lot less aggressive.

    The previous time I went to 69 (last Friday?), I didn't encounter any hard sells at all. So it depends on the time, the crowd and the girl.

    You can get a 'free pass' from their website (Club Emmanuelle has the same free pass..just print it out), but it doesn't really save you much. Normal admission is 60 soles and comes with 1 drink. The pass is for 60 soles, but then the staff kept on insisting there is a 2 drink minimum. My spanish isn't good enough to really argue and anyways, what am I going to say? So I ended up playing 60 soles anyways to get in (drinks are 30 soles, apparently).

    Drinks for the chicas are a ridiculous 50 soles.

    69 is laid out more like a bar lounge. Once it starts getting busy, many of the girls are all clustered at either end of the club just talking with the other girls. Many of them don't even wander around. So if you want a particular girl, you have to approach them. Otherwise, you'll likely just sit there alone for the entire night.

    I like the layout at Club Emmanuelle better. It's more like a typical strip club. More space. Much better lighting. A bigger dance area where you can actually see the dancer. The girls don't wander around much Emmanuelle either, though. I went last Saturday night and a bunch of the girls sat in the far corner of the girl the entire night...I have no idea how they were planning to make any money.

    Anyways, here are some random thoughts about 69. I'll post again once I get my health issues out of the way.
    pkim, 3 Oct 2008


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here.

    Just when I think I've seen it all, I see something else.

    My lucky date from Club 69 just left. While we were talking and waiting for her ride, she whips out a customer comment card and asks me to fill it out. There were really 0nly three questions, and #3 blew me away. It basically asked if the girl tried to upsell you once you left the club.

    I guess that there have been some problems with this, and the comment cards are probably an excellent deterrent. I was very impressed -- most businesses of this type don't think of the customer first.

    Anyway, here's the card. The front is in Spanish, and the back is in English.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    RT Gooch, 29 Nov 2008


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. This ad is for the current promotion for Club 69. The girl in the photo is Jessica (see rating above). She's a stunner. Not one for small talk... she gets the job done!


    And, if you go on the club's site and print the coupon, you get in for free!
    RT Gooch, 7 Feb 2009


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    Hey RT,
    Wow talk about a hot looking Colombiana... Any idea what days this young lady works? The ad says Thursdays and Fridays but not sure if Club 69 just advertising the "Tits in the City" for the Club or for both Jessica and them. She is a stunner.

    I've met some hot girls from Colombia lately, makes me want to fly down to Medellin. Thanks for the info RT!

    flyboynk, 7 Feb 2009


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. The show is Thursday and Friday -- Jessica works every day she can, as far as I know.

    I've seen her in the club many different days of the week.
    RT Gooch, 8 Feb 2009


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    Thanks for the response, appreciate the info.

    flyboynk, 8 Feb 2009


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    I was at Club 69 last week, I think it was Thursday. Cute girls everywhere. Maybe 30 in the club, mostly very attractive. The place must be run by the mafia so I guess keep it cool. I don't know what the rates are but a friend of mine rented a room and fucked a hot girl for 160 dollars. I know that is a lot for Lima, but if your time is limited and you want to see the girl first then it seems worth it to me. Also they were all more than happy to give their numbers out or make an appointment for the next day, I am sure for much cheaper.

    Went by Tequila Rock late, not much but a couple girls that were alright...

    cdroldham1, 3 Mar 2009


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    Lima, Peru
    Does that include the private room, or was that just the girl?

    TinTin, 7 Mar 2009


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here.

    In just checked my email and I received a coupon from Club 69. It says that it is their anniversary, and to celebrate, they have an open bar deal.

    For 'just' 150 soles, you get unlimited drinks from 8:30 until 1:00 am.

    Granted, no one goes there before 11:00 and 50 bucks is still a lot of money, but with drink prices there around 50 soles each, it is something to consider, if you like the club, and you like to drink.

    Here's the ad I received:


    They also talk about a 'Plan Todo Incluido' for one price, including 'servicios'. Normally, the word 'servicio' in this type of usage implies the girl, sex, and salida, too. If so, and the number isn't outrageously high, this could be a deal. A normal visit to Club 69 that includes leaving with a girl can run US$200 before you're all done, so any type of stimulus plan would be appreciated. Can someone in Lima check on this?

    Also, their website has a free entry coupon, so you save a few soles there.
    RT Gooch, 23 Sep 2009


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