Pros and Cons of dating civilians in Lima.

Tema en 'MISCELLANEOUS' iniciado por Juan Alimaña, 17 Feb 2013.

    Juan Alimaña


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    Since I travel regularly to Lima I get to know people and, believe or not, some civilian girls too. Dating civilians can be fun but it does have its drawbacks. On some trips, I avoid dating civilians and stick with pros. The following are some pros and cons of dating civilians during my short visits to Lima.
    · The sex can be abundant and free (on my last trip to Lima, one session lasted over 4 hours)
    · A civilian's low exposure to other dicks can encourage one to be more 'creative' - Lots of kissing and other forms of GF fun.
    · It's more fun having dinner with a date than eating alone. The same applies when going sightseeing, on tours, and out for a drink.
    · A Civilian can demand too much of one's limited time, and expects exclusivity.
    · It's very difficult to squeeze in a date with a pro having a GF around.
    · After 2-3 encounters, sex can become boring.
    · She may ask to go meet the family and even post compromising pics on facebook. :eek:
    · After getting back home, her third or 4th email will mention the need for money (samples upon request).

    Juan Alimaña, 17 Feb 2013


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    Florida, EEUU
    Thanks for the post, Juan. I've thought about this often, usually after I've gotten in some jackpots.

    Some other Pros:

    • For a single guy, the pictures on Facebook and such act as an excellent 'beard' for my other activities. I easily milked two years out of having dinner with one of my girlfriends and my mother when I took mom to Lima. Stories of 'mom meeting my girl' went over REALLY well for with the chismosas at work.
    • Peruvian girlfriends are real carinosa. It's a pleasure, before it gets out of hand.
    • They all know how to cook. One Saturday, I was listening to a Hurricanes football game on the internet, and she went and did research and cooked me up a mess of chicken wings, because "that's what Americans do when they watch football."
    • After the third date, most of the civilians seem to forget all they learned in school about condom use.
    • The money you save by having a Peruana do your negotiating almost pays for the extra person in your life.

    Some other Cons:

    • They are extremely celosa.
    • They are always late, leaving me stopping whatever fun thing I am doing to rush to meet her after she gets out of work/school, 0nly to sit around for an hour.
    • You wind up never having any credits on your cell phone.
    • It's much harder to have sex with lots of different girls.
    • After the third date, most of the civilians seem to forget all they learned in school about condom use. (Yes, it *could* be a con, too).
    • No matter how much money you have, they give you crap about paying 35 Soles for a cebiche.
    • Meeting mom & dad sucks, seeing as how I am usually the girl's parents' age.
    • When you want to play blackjack, they either sit with you and act bored, or lose money in the slot machines faster than I can win it at blackjack.
    • And last, even though you are upfront about not planning to live there the rest of your life, the girls want to believe otherwise, and it gets ugly when they figure out that you were telling the truth all along.

    That's all I can add to this. Anyone else?
    RT Gooch, 18 Feb 2013


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    First post, sorry if I never introduced myself.
    In Lima for almost a year now but this forum has been a gold mine of info about hotel/hostal and places where to meet girls
    At the moment, I have 0nly been dating civilian, hope I won't be banned for this...

    Lima is a big city, is easy to go out with 2/3 different girls at the same time without meeting up with any of the others.
    Peruvian Girl are really sweet and like to demostrate it to their man
    Some girls work and study so they can be really busy, this is a pro, as it can be a good excuse to date other girls,
    When they have a foreigner bf they see it as an new jewel that they want to show off and also to keep it happy.
    Sometimes they will introduce you to their friends as well.
    With tourist on holiday trip they can be demanding, but as living here, we both have different work schedule, so it's easier to make up excuses to go and see another girl.

    They all seems to plan in long term even if I'm always adamant in stating the opposite since the beginning.
    Despite what other people said, so far I dated 5 different girls, one for almost a year, now down 0nly to 2 and I never met their parents. I guess they also consider it a sort of adventure to see how long they can date a foreigner.
    Sex can be boring after a while with one girl, but still is nice to try new things with the others as see what they like to do.
    Weekend are always a problems as most of them are free and want to do something at the same time, even travelling outsite of Lima.
    Finding an excuse for each of them can be complicated.
    I normally pay for dinner and drink most of the time, yes is a contra but I don't feel right that they use they own money when I earn much more than them. Luckly they are not that high maintenance:)
    My Mobile Phone is offlimit, too many number and too many compromising photos...

    As overall I found out that the best balance is sleeping with two girls while dating with a third one.
    Scopata, 3 Abr 2013


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    Juan Alimaña


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    Indeed they are. They don't mind kissing in public and show their affection. With my last date, I was panicking at Park Kennedy with all the kissing since I have family and friends in Lima that know I'm married.
    One girl once surprised me with a home-cooked Lomo Saltado. She brought it to my place nice and warm along with some chicha morada. I was touched.
    Very true. Usually I don't need a rubber after the second encounter (after she assures me she's on the pill).
    Hey, you could leave some of your shirts to the old guy and get extra points.

    Juan Alimaña, 5 Abr 2013


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    A Jack Jericho, Sergio Armani y RT Gooch les gusta esto.

    Juan Alimaña


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    True. So far I haven’t had any problems. I like to take my dates to public places like Parque del Amor, Parque Kennedy, Puente de los Suspiros in Barranco, and Larco Mar, and no scary incidents yet.

    Most if not all Peruvian civilian girls/women will find it extremely rude if you ask them to pay for their half.

    Peruvian girls will make your bed after sex ! One even offered to wash my clothes!


    Some don’t give oral. And, don’t even ask for the third input.

    Juan Alimaña, 5 Abr 2013


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    Sergio Armani


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    guys how can you date 2,3 girls at the same time?..I find it very distressing, you have to keep your guard up at all times,..If she wants to walk down Larco holding your hands at 7pm on a friday, how can you get out of something so dangerous, that shit happens to me once and I totally freaked wife wasnt in lima but still her family her friends, my family my friends..forget it too much for me...and if you are dating 3 girls, you have to worry about two families two set of friends....One thing I learned is that you never call them by her name, that way you dont make the mistake of calling Maria to Karina, or Karina to just call amor to all of them and save yourself a scene of <<why you call me Carmen if my name is Gladys...ahahahahahaha!!
    Sergio Armani, 6 Abr 2013


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    the visitor


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    you forgot the biggest CON of all... you might up ending marrying them. This comes from personal experience.
    the visitor, 18 Abr 2013


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    There is also another Con I forgot about, well occurred to me recently.


    One Con of dating a civilian is the possibility of NOT getting laid :-(

    I come back to this thread to ask a question partially related to this topic.

    I have a friend, 24 y.o. university student, always short on money.
    She is pretty but not smoking hot, still I have quite a fancy about her.
    I normally invite her out for dinner and drink, but like cinderella every time she run away before midnight, as she still lives with her parents.

    So my question is:
    How do you ask a civilian that you are willing to pay her for sex?
    Has any of you found himself in a similar situation?
    How would you approch this situation? Any suggestion ?

    I hope this is not again the forum policy, if that is the case, I ask apologize to the moderator in advance.
    Scopata, 25 Ago 2013


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    A RT Gooch y Juan Alimaña les gusta esto.

    Juan Alimaña


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    A civilian will be offended if offered payment for sex. You pay her with your time, food and drinks, and maybe a gift (I heard of a guy that gives them dresses!).

    You said the girl is always short of money. That should increase your chances of getting laid since these girls are more easily impressed by a thick wallet. Take her to nice places that her neighborhood or university friends can’t afford. If that doesn’t loosen up her panties after the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] or 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] date, just move on. She’s either just playing you or she is not interested in you sexually.

    Juan Alimaña, 25 Ago 2013


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    A Sergio Armani, Jack Jericho y RT Gooch les gusta esto.

    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    Juan speaks the truth.
    RT Gooch, 26 Ago 2013


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    Sergio Armani


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    maybe she already has a boyfriend, if she knows that you are going to be in lima just for a couple of weeks or just a few days...she may be just playing you for the free food and amenities.....look one thing I learned is that even if you like the girl a lot Dont ever show her too much attention..If she is not really into you the more attention you give her the more secure she will feel about you and some peruvians girls take that as a power feeling, you know like contanza in Seinfeld she has hand :) ...she will manipulate you and do what ever the hell she want to do with you just because you are easy....If you dont wanna let her go just yet, do yourself a favor and push things faster..take her to dinner to the movies and from there take her to an hotel if she acts totally surprise, you dont apologize dont get mad just show a control anger and take her home as a gentleman no good bye kiss no nothing after that do not call her if she doesnt call you back in a will be the signal that her feelings toward you are not that strong so why waste your time??....but belive me if she is any intelligent she will call you and be more "accommodating" with you next time..Peruvian girls that are not professionals can be a pain the ass but sometimes they just need a little push..I deal with then since I was 15 years old just to let you know.
    Sergio Armani, 31 Ago 2013


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    A Jack Jericho, Juan Alimaña y RT Gooch les gusta esto.


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    Silly me! I didnt read this subject until today. of course its the answer that Ive been asking myself about what you see in peruvian girls. Thanks guys!. I like to read the english part of the forum perhaps its 0nly my idea but i feel like its completely different thing.

    Plus its always nice to practice the language, ¡big plus for me!

    Take care all of you...
    vidiapol, 27 Abr 2014


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    Recently back in Lima and came back to this forum to see if there was any interesting message and I remember this old post of mine. Incredible how much time is passed...

    Funny thing last saturday I met up again with this girl, now 28, we organized for a dinner in Miraflores at 8pm, and she arrived at 10pm with a boyfriend.
    I was quite pissed off, but this time she wanted to invite me for dinner to catch up, so at the end we ate and went out for a couple of drinks even if I think that the bf paid for everything...

    After that we went to Calle de la Pizza and among all the places we went into Sabor Peruano, pity I did not do my investigation a bit in advance, as I saw plenty of movement over there. I was really hoping for something else that I was even considering calling over one of the girls over there, but did not want to do it in front of my friend over there.

    Right now I have been dating a civilian for quite a while, but as many has said, sex after a while can become boring.

    After that night I made up my mind to move into the Dark Side but I would like to avoid Night Clubs and so, as I have many friends in Lima and I would like to avoid them seeing me getting into a taxi with a girl.

    I would like to consider outcall girl, but 0nly those who can give a real GF experience.
    Without going through all the forum, any recommendation?

    My ideal option would be a young chica carinosa that is not a pro, who would not mind some extra money, but I'm not sure how to find a girl like that.

    Any suggestion is more than welcome.

    Scopata, 4 Jul 2018


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