En este Domingo de Gloria entro al foro y me doy con la grata sorpresa de este ascenso. Gracias cofrades Administradores de PT y felicitaciones a...
This night club does not have a cover charge, but it is pretty crowded on weekends. The best times to go there are Sun to Wed. It could be a bit...
Dorian, For that many days/weeks you are better off renting an apartment. You'll have more room, a kitchen and will probably cost you as much as...
I'm sorry to hear that TK Miraflores closed for good. : ( I wonder where the girls went. On my last incursion to Sabor Peruano at Pizza Alley,...
TK Miraflores has been closed for over a week now and no sign of opening anytime soon....
DATE: 21 June LOCATION: , Western Union office, Plaza de Armas (Main Square), Cusco RATE: 3.25 COMMENTS: This place was offering the highest...
A big thank you to the organizing committee for making this event happen. It's great to see kids with happy faces. RT, thank you for your time,...
Yo soy uno de los que usan esa táctica de tomar Viagra para impresionar a una nueva enamorada. Solo lo uso 2 o 3 veces al año cuando tengo una...
7 Sopas Ave. Arequipa 2394, Lince 12PM - 12AM Este lugar es perfecto para un sopero como yo. Especialmente en estos días de invierno, no hay...
Miraflores, Jueves 3 de Abril Mi parcero Dorian y yo visitamos TR el jueves pasado después de la medianoche. Habían como 15 chicas cuando...
Linda Dominicanita agazajandome con un bailecito antes del main event. Cabana AKI en Santo Domingo. [url = [media]] Dominicana [/url]
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