The Canada Bar off Parque Kennedy

Tema en 'NIGHT CLUBS' iniciado por shadowman, 27 Dic 2008.



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    I've never done more than than sort of peek down the stairs and look in the entrance, but I've heard that there are some girls working in there. Nothing concrete though.

    Anybody have any experiences/info to share on this place?
    shadowman, 27 Dic 2008


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. I 0nly have one experience there, and it didn't really encourage me to want to go back.

    I already had my date for the evening, and she suggested that we go there. She warned me that drinks were very expensive, but they would give her a commission, and she would give it back to me.

    A whiskey was 30 soles (they're 15-18 or so in Tequila Rock, for example), and a bottle of agua con gas was some ridiculous amount of money. I got enough back that the drinks weren't back-breaking, but they were still too costly for a bar that really didn't have much atmosphere.

    There were groups of younger people drinking communal beers (I don't remember if they had pitchers or large bottles), but they did not seem to be the types to pay top Sol for their drinks -- I am guessing that there is a two-tier pricing system there. I did not see any unattached women in the club, but maybe we were just in at the wrong time. I mentally just wrote the place off as a clip joint and never went back.

    There's an active discussion of the club in the Spanish Forum, so perhaps there's more there than meets the eye. I'd like to hear from one of our local cofrades as to what the 'deal' is there.
    RT Gooch, 28 Dic 2008


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    E. Irizarry


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    cantador y profesor de inglés
    Cuzco, PE
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    Thanks for the heads-up, man. I was about to go there, but now I have reneged on going there!
    E. Irizarry, 28 Dic 2008


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. In the Spanish Forum, forista chauchilla.chauchilla found this blog, which talks about the Bar Cafe Canadian. Enjoy!
    RT Gooch, 1 Ene 2009


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    that's a lot of descriptive prose to just say "clip joint with no sex". lol
    shadowman, 1 Ene 2009


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    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT Gooch, 17 Ene 2009


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    I personally dont know why its called the canadian bar, canada bar or even has the word Canada in it.
    Its a cheap looking joint with girls who you buy drinks and then they dance with you, but thats it. I heard in others posts that some actually leave with ya, but for that I reather go to Tequila Rock.
    Maybe someone went to a bar in Canada, bough a girl a drink and she then invited him to dance... and that made his day...LOL!
    The bar scene is rare among peruvians. From personal experience I know in Canada if I buy a girl a drink she will dance with me, and the more she accepts the higher the chances she will put out... here you buy a girl a drink and then she bring her friends and at the end of the night, after wasting money on a bunch of hot strangers, you migh end up with nothing but a thanks....

    Then again, this is my opinion based on what I see happening to work collegues that come to Peru and despise my advice try to pick up chicks at local bar using the same "techniques" they use back home.
    blackhawk, 4 Feb 2010


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    Marathon Hombre


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    I went there last night for the first (and last) time. I also found it to be a giant money sink. The girls are way too aggressive and beg you for tips and drinks for a little dance. I don't even like to dance. I don't understand the draw to this place at all. Is it just for people who can't get any action at a regular discoteca? You can go to Sabor Peruano on Pizza St, chat up a girl, buy her drinks for a normal price and you have a decent shot of banging her that night or at least adding a number to your contacts. Not so at Canada.

    I heard the owner is from Canada thus the name.
    Marathon Hombre, 4 Feb 2010


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    Marathon Hombre


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    I was bored to death last night since there were no poker games going at any of the casinos. It drives me nuts that the games don't start till around 8pm. So I found myself back at Canada. This time I ended up hitting it off with one of the girls and she gave me her #. I had to memorize it since they are apparently strict about that sorta thing there. So I guess this place isn't all the bad. This girl is pretty damn hot and I guess we're going to see a movie next week on her 0nly day off.
    Marathon Hombre, 11 Feb 2010


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    On Thursday, March 10, I had won about S/400 at a casino nearby the Canadian club. I was done gambling and so I decided to check this place out and see exactly what goes on here and if it's possible to take a girl out of this place.

    I entered around 7pm, ignored the pushy girls, and ordered a beer at the bar. I glanced around and there were over 20 girls throughout the club, some sitting with the guys and a lot standing around and waiting. There were several ex-pats near the main bar. Two of the ex-pats were from Canada, one was from the USA, and another was from Switzerland. I chatted with them for an hour or so while glancing around the club. I took my time and finally saw a hot girl that was worth chatting with. I approached this young, thin, large rack, extremely hot girl who was wearing tight shorts and a tight shirt showing lot’s of skin and natural cleavage. She also had a tattoo of a flower that started on her belly below her belly button and continued down towards her pussy. I asked her name and it was Jani who was 22 years old. I was feeling generous after winning at the casino, and so I decided that I would see how far a guy could go with one of these girls at the Canadian Club. I bought Jani a girls drink for around S/40 and we sat on chairs near the main bar and chatted.

    After the first drink, an older girl claiming to be her sister came and talked to us. I bought them both girl’s drinks and bought the same drink for myself. I was aware of the price but I figured I would blow out the S/400 and also see if was possible to take a girl out of this place. We drank several more drinks each and Jani flirted with me lot’s and was all over me with her hands and hinting that we could have sex on the beach later. I was able to touch her, just not certain locations as she said they didn’t allow that inside the club, also there was no kissing. All night she kept telling me how she was going to fuck me later and this really turned me on. I got my first bill at the bar and it was for S/620, I was completely shocked. I had the cash with me and so I paid this bill and then I told Jani’s sister that I couldn’t buy drinks for her anymore, she seemed a little pissed and left. Me and Jani grabbed a table and sat on one of the sofas near the dance floor. We drank some more, danced, and flirted for a few more hours there. She gave me several private sexy dances while I was on the couch also, she was smoking hot, close to a 8.5/10. Jani’s sister came back and seemed pissed off still and tried to get another drink, but I said no. She sat near us anyway. Jani explained to me that she wasn’t allowed to leave tonight and that they had to stay in the bar until 6am or else they wouldn’t get paid for the evening. She said that we could meet up on Sunday and she gave me her phone number on a piece of toilet paper. I was a little disappointed as I had been lead to believe that we may get it on tonight.

    She told me that the place closed at 2am. I stayed with her until the very hand as I really enjoyed her company. The bar started closing up just after 2, and I was one of the last customers there. This is the part that was kind of sad, I witnessed all of the girls laying down and trying to sleep on the sofas throughout the bar . Jani said she also had to do this and stay until 6am to get paid. I got several hugs from Jani and finally left around 2:20am and planned on meeting her again at 3pm on Sunday.

    I had spend around S/800 in this club, and if I was return I would 0nly buy drinks for one girl and I wouldn’t stay for so long. It was a fun night, just frustrating that I wasn’t able to leave with Jani.

    LatinaLover, 24 Abr 2011


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    wallpa ayawire


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    Some friends told me about this bar with female model quite looking so i picked up my brothel bro and we went one of the week days like 6 months ago

    The bar name is Canadian and it has two floors .... upstairs its supposed to be more expensive in terms of the drinks for the girls and downstairs not so expensive but smaller

    Here the deal is having the company of a girl sitting next to you, for this you have to pay them drinks, the cost of the drink is pretty expensive for this type of place

    For example one vodka lime for men is 25 soles (8$) but for women its different, in a 5 star hotel like Marriot in front of the peruvian bay of miraflores centre, the cost of this drink is like 30 soles (10$) and the same drink in canadian downstairs (like a garage) is 60 soles (20$) the glass ... the girl usually take quite long for having the drink but they shall request another one for staying with you
    Nuvo glass for girls are 75 soles (25$)
    Girls dont drink beer but the cost of a beer for a man is 12 soles (4$)

    My first night we went upstairs and two girls approach each other, the were NOT model looking, the were small, regular girl you see walking in the street (by the way my wife is better so imagine my frustrations, if i will pay, it must be better ...)
    They request two glass of nuvo for 150 soles (50$) and we took a pair of scotch for 50 soles (17$)

    The girls told us there is no sex in the place and the deal is 0nly company so we finish the drinks and look elsewhere ...

    I just erase the place in my mind cause there is no fun on this for me ... until ...
    wallpa ayawire, 12 Ago 2015


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    A Jack Jericho le gusta esto.

    wallpa ayawire


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    You never know when you go back on your feet!

    After a 6 month period of time i returned to the bar Canadian this time for some "previos"
    Previos in spanish is taking some drinks in one place before going to the main event in the evening

    My partner is a night club fan guy so he knows the place, the girls and the system

    The advice: look for the girls and choose, never let the girls sitting next to you if you didnt called them previously ... always drink beer cause it is not expensive and you could save more for the girls drink and finally you also choose the girl drink because there is a rate for drinks never choose the cheaper but the second and third of the list it is ok and never choose the few super expensive drinks

    After i ve been trained in 5 minutes sitting in the bar, we check the material, the girls were better than last time, some of them could do a hard time in modeling but the rest were 6/10 and some 5/10 no thanks

    The deal is coming 3 or 4 times with the same girl and pay them like 600/800 soles (200$/250$) in drinks each time ... then it is up to you and your speech for having the girl in your hotel bedroom

    For me 500 or 800 $ in a month for two hours of sex one night with a 6/10 is too much ... i can get better girls with 100$ so i guess i cant erase the place from my mind but i know the system next time i arrive
    wallpa ayawire, 12 Ago 2015


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    A RT Gooch, Jack Jericho y Sergio Armani les gusta esto.

    RT Gooch



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    Florida, EEUU
    RT here. Thanks for the updates. It sounds like it hasn't changed much since my visit years ago...
    What is Nuvo? And why is it top-shelf?

    Thanks for the lesson on 'previos' -- I have friends that do that here and in Peru, but I never knew that it had a name.
    RT Gooch, 12 Ago 2015


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    wallpa ayawire


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    This is Nuvo


    I dont know why this is a top shelf but i imagine a girl with a pink liquor glass in her hands is nice for her
    It is soft in terms of alcoholic content and in retail supermarkets the price of the bottle is 40$
    The drink is not big deal .... for me ... i prefer something heavier
    wallpa ayawire, 13 Ago 2015


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    A Jack Jericho y RT Gooch les gusta esto.



    Me Gusta recibidos:
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    1.- Type of Girl - Category: Dana Blonde with her money, tall, with good legs and no ass - Peruvian, she told me she was from Chorrillos
    2.- Age: I didn't ask her but I estimate between 35 and 36 years old.
    3.- Face: oval and thin of this brunette, that's why I preferred her to the other one who was fatter, her friend Angelica
    4.- Height: 1.70 with heels
    5.- Breasts: almost nothing tits (she let her nipples suck in private, she got so excited that she came and there she proposed the action)
    6.- Waist / belly: some belly, she said she was a mom
    7.- Hips / butt: she had the average but not much acceptable on the side as was negotiated
    8.- Legs / feet: shaved, they already know how to pull people
    9.- Skin: light brown with brown nipples
    10.- Tattoos / characteristic sign: I didn't see one well
    11.- Personal hygiene: Completely clean, she bathed before going to Canadian
    12.- Fellatio: there was none but she pulled him and made him hard. 13.- Pussy: let's say a regular fit but she lived it.
    14.- Anal: We didn't do it, I rubbed her anus for a while but she didn't let me this time.
    15.- Treatment: Like a teenage couple because we did it sideways with a condom, afraid that they would come to see us in private.
    16.- Quality of Fuck / Performance: Pretty good, we started with the tongue kisses she loves to put her tongue in indicated above, between kisses her dress slipped and her nipple came out there I began to suck it when she began to moan like a whore in heat, there I told her that I wanted to penetrate her she told me that 800 soles if she had protection so I took my condom out of my pocket and put her on her side, I lifted the skirt of her dress and put the dental floss there I began to pump her hard I wanted to try anal but she didn't let me I took it out so I had to suck her nipple again so that she would let me penetrate her again there I came because I was very scared that they would come to see her in private. From there we talked for 5 minutes and then we continued with the bottle but she didn't want any more sex and I realized that the second bottle was empty in less than 15 minutes, she told me that she would come back if I asked for a third bottle of black equiqueta it wasn't worth it anymore.
    17.- Quality of Massages: Massages but with her 32b tits
    18.- Experience at work: I give her 10 years, the rest was a product of aspiration
    19.- Advertises on / means of contact: Canadian 3rd floor, Danna with the excitable nipples.
    20.- Price: 800 + 1,000 for the two black labels, about 650 dollars
    21.- Cost/benefit: Well paid because we spent 1 hour in the private room with 2 bottles of whiskey
    22.- Location: in front of the kenedy larco 342, third floor
    23.- Location: The place is still the same, although it was hot that day and those guys don't put fans like they used to, luckily there was air conditioning in the private room
    24.- Would I go back?: Sure, but for her friend.
    25.- Final score: (8/10)
    iop1trabajo, 9 Oct 2024


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