First Visit need assistance

Tema en 'NEWBIE QUESTIONS' iniciado por Akki, 17 Jul 2010.



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    Hello all.

    I will be on the weekend of the 13th to the 16th of August in Lima and could really use someone who can show me a place or 2 where the polvo is not expensive ( between 20 and maybe 50 soles and i am willing to put a little bit on top for an motel room ) and the girls are nice.

    it can be pros, semi pros, working alone. working in a whorehouse, students in need of coin i dont care.
    as long they are nice looking and dont charge too much.

    as for nice looking : i prefer young girls (with DNI , ie legal) and i do not like tetonas or culonas or gordas. you could say i like normal to thin girls with A Cups, maybe B cups. race or color or experience is not important.

    to whomever would be willing to meet me in some central place in lima i would offer to pay a little something or pay the first polvo and a couple drinks.
    I am sure we can get to an agreement.

    I will be staying in Surco with an friend of my family.
    so pretty central in lima and wont mind to sit an hour in an micro to get to wherever we meet.

    I do speak spanish (not perfect but good enough to get arround)

    you can PM me in spanish (as said i understand most) or english or just reply to this tread.
    Akki, 17 Jul 2010


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    come on guys. 87 visits and no PM?

    as said i am willing to pay something for the help. you dont have to do it for free. just send me an message and we can negociate.
    Akki, 22 Jul 2010


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    Director Porno
    What you're looking for is a caficho. This may no be the best forum for that. In fact, I'd suggest you place your "ad" in the spanish section. Bear in mind that, not because you're in Peru you can buy anything you want. There ARE certain things money cannot buy. How's that for a little poetry uh??

    Also allow me to inform you that your request has some very strict parameters. I would also like to find awesome culos to be had for as little as possible. But, the truth get what you pay for. Get my meaning? Good luck in your search of the holy grail of pussies...

    Since Im your request in either the General section or the Trocadero section. The Trocadero is where I used to go in my teens...when money was VERY hard to come by. You may find gems there....but you'll have to dig hard and often. Regards...
    P69, 22 Jul 2010


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    A gunslinger y RT Gooch les gusta esto.



    Me Gusta recibidos:
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    Dear Akki,

    I think that you have to really understand that (from my experiance) that everyone on this forum is not here to make a quick buck and that they dont need anyones money! They will help you as much as they can and they post for us non peruvians guidance etc which i found invaluable.

    I have been to peru once and you can read my escipades. I dont understand what you mean re:

    polvo, tetonas or culonas or gorda

    I dont speak spanish and this is the english forum so maybe you (sorry not trying to be condensending) should really post somethng on the spanish side.

    I do hope this will help.

    iceman1, 23 Jul 2010


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    Usuario Baneado.

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    Hi Akki:
    Don't worry, here in Peru we are friendly with the people and if we can help u we r glad to do it without need of a monetary retribution. Occasionaly i travel to Lima from the south of Peru. My english is no good but i'll try to help u with my experience.
    First, if u want pay since 20 to 50 soles i suggest the maximum beware because the places where u find girls with those prices it's very possible that around it could there were robbers, so i suggest u don't go with expensive objects (If u r a tourist and have the aspect of one, even local as me, is no good idea be notorious) also you must to go with a friend.
    I didn't go to Trocadero, but (always speaking in the range between 20 and 50 soles) I had gone to Cucardas and La Nene, both are in the same street near the center, both r legal : La Nene is cheaper than the other one, in the day is more cheaper even. In both u can find several types of girls, but Cucardas has more popularity in the visitants preference, there is data about cucardas in english. However i found a beautiful colombian in La Nene so i guess that u could find some girl with your tastes (the entry value is in the day 15 soles if i remember well and the half hour is 35 soles). Well, where u can find more variety at those costs u could visit the night clubs in Center Lima, but, they are no officially whorehouse, so if a girl have sex with u is just for her decision (if u r lucky then just pay the 1-2soles and perhaps a botle of 50 soles), but i didn't see tourists there with girls, just one time a group of french speaking (i think) consuming beers, but is like bet, a girl can say u a no, or perhaps she'll ask u for an "additional" or she want that u spend in more bottles.

    Well, good luck at your trip. Bye Akki be happy:D.
    kermus, 11 Ago 2010


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