Tips and my experience as Newbie

Tema en 'NEWBIE QUESTIONS' iniciado por iceman1, 28 Mar 2010.



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    I have thought long and hard about what to write here. I am not trying to be pretentious I just want to help anyone planning their first trip to Lima. I want them to learn from my mistakes and to have a more pleasurable or easier time.

    The first thing I would do is print off the following (Sly and RT guides) before you leave.

    The second one starts of with my post but it is RT and Sly’s reply you should take.

    Learn Spanish

    I found speaking no or 2 words in Spanish seriously hampered/ effected my mongering experience even though I had a friend who spoke Spanish some of the time with me as it is very difficult for him to speak to his choice for the night and be my translator!
    There is no confusion and you can ask the girls what you want and they probably respect that you have taken the time to learn it.

    I could not chat to local or girls that were walking down the street as the 0nly thing i could say is do you speak English and most of them don’t.

    Also, not speaking Spanish I think prevented me from going to certain places as i thought i would have a headache trying to communicate.

    What I Learnt

    1. Get a local map

    2. Mobile Phone – the one I bought was around 70 sol and had 20 sol credit (ask if they are for 0nly that provider as the one i got was I think Claro and the minutes were to 0nly claro not even Landlines! This was annoying as everyone else I had number was Landline or Moviestar mobile)

    3. Usually, the cab drivers are ok but some are not. Try it on after a few days you will get a flavour of what the fare is to anywhere. Me and my mate were surprised when one cab driver gave us a 5 sol lower fare then previous ones (he was rewarded by getting to drive my mate to the airport). It would help newbies if there was the details of cab drivers who can speak English and are helpful in taking us to the venues and even wait. So, if you regulars know please help the less fortunate (like the field reports).

    4. Don't drink the water or Ice from the Hotel – It made me puke up all night !!

    5. Make sure you go to Relax and Y Vida. (I think) it is easy to get to. The main one is opposite Interbank (see the above links). Just expect a mindblowing massage and handjob. They (some girls) do provide extra’s but that is not standard practice.

    6. Go to Las Cucardes. you don’t have to chat to anyone he will ask for the money at the front counter and then give you ticket and condom then just pick a girl give her 50 sol and she do the business and they wash your dick afterwards (nice)

    7. Make sure your luggage has locks and when you leave to pick someone to bring back lock all your valuables in your luggage. So when you get back you don’t have to worry is she going to nick your camera when you go for a piss

    8. Don't take your camera out at night see my report day 1 – 3

    9. Have 2 separate cash wallets or put your money in 2 pockets – for the reason if you get pick pocketed you don’t lose all of it. If you get mugged you can pull the smaller one out and give it to them. If you are in situation you don’t want to pay that much you can say i don’t have enough money – just be safe

    10. Take your condoms – keep one in your pocket just in case

    11. Banks – There is one or 2 banks that charge about 7 sol’s for you to withdraw money (can someone please list them)

    12. Go to Cusco if you like the Inca sites – from my personal experience punting is no where as good as in Lima

    13. If you want to buy some liquor at a supermarket there is one near Park Kennedy – from Tequila Rocks go towards the square when you come to the square turn left walk across the road and it is second turning to your right (please correct me if i am wrong) the drinks are cheaper and you can even get nice food from the food court

    14. Don’t waste your time going to tequila rocks – go to have a look but that is it – It's not worth it

    15. Lima is like any other country it not more or less dangerous. I didn’t feel particular scared. Just don’t stare at anyone and be confident and no one will bother you .

    16. What would be nice if there was a separate section with English speaking or recommendations or a list of recommended girls and then we can rate them similar to the field reports but filter out the time wasters?


    1. Not going to Sly’s party

    2. Not learning Spanish

    3. Not going to Scarlets

    4. Spending too much time in Cusco

    5. Buying that mobile phone it was pretty useless

    6. Not going to the Jungle (Arequipa) but i heard the girls are very nice – but need to learn Spanish

    7. Maria Lucia hotel is cheap and for the money worth it but I should have booked nicer hotel

    8. I should have taken a chica to cusco with me and would have improved the trip

    I am sure there are other things that i might have omitted but these are the ones that spring to mind. It might be useless but it might answer one question or add something to someone.

    I think this site is packed full of info so you should be ok. The moderators and members are generous and have been kind to give me their advice and opinions when needed.

    iceman1, 28 Mar 2010


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    Jack Jericho



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    Words are just not enough to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! If half the readers who benefit from the info in this forum took the trouble to write half as good a report as yours, this English section would be as full of useful info as the Spanish section.

    Sorry but this goes well under the heading 'Learn Spanish' or 'Read Sly and RT guides'. The mobile's market is very dynamic in Peru and the promotions vary all the time. This time you got, for free, a 20 Sol credit good 0nly for Claro phones, tomorrow you could get a bigger credit, a credit good for all phones, or no free credit at all. Either way, you could have bought a 10 Sol cell-phone card (or 20 sol, or 40 sol, or whatever much you wanted) almost anywhere in Lima, you also could have bought a Recarga Virtual (Virtual Recharge) at any mall or supermarket or bank, even at most drugstores or gas stations; you just tell them how much, your phone number and operator, and there you go. The credit you buy either by cell-phone cards or virtual recharge is good to call to any phone, mobile or landline, national or international. Anybody could have told you that and, certainly, whoever sold you that phone should have told you that.

    Well, it must have been the water, not the ice. As a rule, NEVER DRINK TAP WATER IN PERU! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! Not even we, peruvians, do that; and note that our immune system is used to the sanitary conditions of our country.

    Ice at good Hotels and Restaurants, on the other hand, is made out of bottled or boiled water and should be safe to take.

    Very wise advice for any place in the world. I received the same advice when I visited Manhattan/NYC. 'Don’t stare at anyone and act confident'... Very wise advice indeed.

    Oh, but there is! It is called LIMA ESCORT SERVICES, I just wish more forists posted their experiences there. It is up to us to share our experiences and, in doing so, contribute to make this forum more useful.

    Arequipa is, certainly, one of the most beautiful cities in Peru to visit. Great for Tourism, great for Gourmet Tourism, but probably the worst place in Peru for mongering. Besides, Arequipa is not a jungle city, it is up the Andes mountains (height: 8,200 ft), not as high as Cuzco but definitely not jungle.

    The main jungle city and the best place to go, both for regular tourism (just the Amazon River Tour is worth the trip) and for mongering, is Iquitos. Just don't make RT's mistake and don't go for just the weekend, much less if it is Mother's Day :)p sorry RT :D); always remember that Sundays are DEAD in any peruvian city with the 0nly exception of Lima and, maybe, Cuzco. Nobody, but nobody, works on Sunday; not even whores.

    Other jungle cities I could recommend are Tingo María, Pucallpa and Tarapoto, in that order. Just don't expect much P4P action there, you must rely more on your charming skills and the charapa's (jungle girls) well earned reputation for horny-nes. You may even get it just for the sake of friendship! But (there is always a 'but'), as you said yourself, first you need to acquire some basic Spanish skills.
    Jack Jericho, 29 Mar 2010


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    RT Gooch



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    RT here.

    Thanks, Iceman, for both your report and this wrap-up. I agree with almost everything you've said, and -- much as it pains me to say so -- Jack Jericho's comments are on the money.

    You didn't tell us if you're planning to return. I hope so, as you've gone pretty far on the learning curve and should hit the ground running next time. Just get on the internet and learn some Spanish and you'd be good to go. Hell, if I get by with my Spanish, anyone can!

    My ill-fated trip to Iquitos remains unreported here in this (and any other) forum. You must have some well-placed connections to know about that, Jack. :eek:
    RT Gooch, 29 Mar 2010


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    traveling south america
    Excellent writeup! This will come in handy since I just arrived and I'm a total newbie! I hope I can add as valuable information as you have, after my own experiences!
    Tigger70, 28 Abr 2010


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    Thanks and I hope you have a great time!!!

    iceman1, 1 May 2010


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